Tìm kiếm
to live
sống, cư trú
to have your home somewhere specific
Intransitive: to live somewhere
We are planning to live near the mountains for a more serene lifestyle.
Non-smokers typically live longer than smokers.
He lived long enough to celebrate his 100th birthday.
The specialists predicted she had only weeks left to live.
sống, tồn tại
to be alive, particularly during a certain period of time
Intransitive: to live point in time
When did Jane Austen live?
Mozart lived during a period when classical music was at its peak.
She 's the most brilliant scientist who ever lived.
sống, chạy
to conduct one's life in a particular way or under certain conditions
Intransitive: to live in a specific manner
During the pandemic, many had to live under strict lockdown measures.
Despite his wealth, he preferred to live humbly, without much display or extravagance.
She chose to live simply, focusing on what truly matters to her.
sống, trải nghiệm
to experience life actively and fully
If you have n't danced in the rain, you have n't lived.
I want to live life to the fullest before I commit to any long-term responsibilities.
She wanted to experience new things and live a little before she made any major decisions.
sống, còn lại
(of a memory, special moment, etc.) to continue to exist in someone's mind
His advice has lived within me since the day he shared it.
sống, sống cùng
to share a place of residence with a particular person
Intransitive: to live with sb
sống, được lưu giữ
to be housed or stored in a specific location
Intransitive: to live somewhere
trực tiếp, live
(of TV or radio broadcasts) aired at the exact moment the events are taking place, without any earlier recording or editing
The reporters gave live updates from the scene of the accident.
The news channel provided live coverage of the presidential debate.
The live feed from the International Space Station showed a breathtaking view of Earth.
trực tiếp, live
(of a musical performance) happening in real-time, directly in front of an audience
The forest was filled with live creatures.
The live cells were observed under the microscope.
vắc xin sống, vắc xin vi sinh vật yếu
(of a vaccine) including weakened germs to help the body build protection without causing sickness
sữa chua sống, sữa chua hoạt động
(of yogurt) having active bacteria that were used to make the yogurt
The live electrical panel was inspected for faults.
He accidentally touched a live electrical socket and got a shock.
The power lines are still live and dangerous after the storm.
sống, cháy
glowing and producing heat
The blacksmith used live coals to heat the iron for shaping into tools.
The campers let the live coals burn down to embers before cooking their dinner.
The fire had been burning all night, and the ashes were still live in the morning.
chất nổ hoạt động, chất nổ đang hoạt động
(of explosives or ammunition) active and capable of detonation
The security team reported a live grenade among the old military equipment.
The bomb squad carefully examined the live explosive device for any signs of instability.
During the inspection, they discovered live explosives hidden in a compartment.
diêm chưa sử dụng, hộp diêm sống
(of a match) not yet been struck
chạy, sống
(of an axle or wheel) actively involved in transmitting motion within machinery
trong trò chơi, hoạt động
(of a ball) not considered out of play because of currently being used in the game
The subject of data privacy is a live discussion in tech circles.
The immigration policy is a live issue in today 's debate.
The funding proposal is a live question at the board meeting.
sống động, năng động
full of liveliness or enthusiasm
The city streets were live during the New Year ’s celebration.
The festival was live with music and dance, creating an electrifying atmosphere.
The party was so live that everyone stayed until dawn.
The live microphone picked up every sound in the room during the interview.
The network engineers monitored the live network for any connectivity issues.
The developers released the live version of the software with new features.
The eruption of the live volcano caused significant damage to nearby villages.
The live nature of the volcano means it ’s under continuous monitoring.
The live volcano ’s activity has increased, leading to concerns about a potential eruption.
sống động, vang vọng
producing a strong, clear, and lasting echo or sound
The recording captured the live reverberation of the empty warehouse.
The live acoustics of the concert hall enhanced the clarity of the performance.
The live sound of the speaker system filled the entire auditorium.
The seals use live elastomer to ensure a tight fit.
The live spring quickly returned to its original shape after compression.
The live material of the yoga mat offers both comfort and flexibility.
hoạt động, trực tiếp
(of a link) functioning as intended and directing users to the correct online resource
The email campaign included several live hyperlinks to the product landing pages.
The live link to the report was shared with all team members for easy access.
The website update ensured that all links were live.
trực tiếp, thời gian thực
used when an event or performance is happening at the present moment or being broadcast in real-time
The news anchor reported live from the scene of the event, providing up-to-the-minute information.
The radio show is aired live, allowing listeners to tune in as the hosts discuss current topics.
We are going live in five minutes, so get ready.
Ví dụ
We are planning to live near the mountains for a more serene lifestyle.

Từ Gần