British pronunciation/stˈænd/
American pronunciation/ˈstænd/

Definiția și Sensul lui "stand"

to stand

a sta, a se ridica

to be upright on one's feet
Intransitive: to stand somewhere
to stand definition and meaning
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He likes to stand on the balcony to feel the breeze.
I usually stand in front of the mirror to comb my hair.
My grandmother stands near the entrance to greet guests.

a se ridica, a sta în picioare

to rise up onto one's feet, typically from a seated or lying position, and support oneself in an upright position
to stand definition and meaning
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As the national anthem played, everyone in the stadium stood to honor the flag.
The teacher asked the students to stand when they answered a question in class.
In the courtroom, the judge entered, and everyone in the gallery stood out of respect.

a rezista, a suporta

to endure, resist, or survive adverse conditions or challenges
Transitive: to stand a difficult condition
to stand definition and meaning
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The sturdy bridge was able to stand the force of the storm.
Her resilience helped her stand the pressures of a high-stakes job.
The well-built car was able to stand the rigorous crash test.

a tolera, a suporta

to be willing to accept or tolerate a difficult situation
Transitive: to stand a difficult situation
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She could n't stand the constant noise from the construction site next door.
He found a way to stand the pressure and meet the project deadline.
The dedicated team had to stand the long hours and tight deadlines during the busy season.

a se poziționa, a susține

to have a certain opinion regarding an issue
Intransitive: to stand for a cause | to stand against an issue
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He firmly stands against animal cruelty.
Despite the differing perspectives, she continues to stand for environmental conservation.
As an advocate for education, she stands for increased funding for schools.

a se afla, a sta

to exist or remain in a particular state, condition, or situation
Linking Verb: to stand [adj]
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The project stands completed, ready for presentation to the stakeholders.
As of now, the negotiations stand unresolved, and further discussions are required.
The old building stands abandoned, a relic of the town's industrial past.

a se afla, a sta

to establish a presence or be located in a specific area
Intransitive: to stand somewhere
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The old bookstore stands at the corner of Maple Street, a quaint spot filled with literary treasures.
Our family home stands on the outskirts of town, surrounded by rolling hills and meadows.
The historic monument stands in the heart of the city, attracting tourists from around the world.

a rămâne, a se menține

to maintain one's position, often in the face of opposition, challenges, or adversity
Linking Verb: to stand [adj]
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The team captain encouraged the players to stand united against the opponent's aggressive tactics.
In negotiations, it's important to stand firm on certain terms to achieve a fair agreement.
In the face of challenges, the business owner resolved to stand resilient and adapt to market changes.

a sta, a rămâne

to maintain a state of stillness or inactivity
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Amidst the chaos, she chose to stand in the corner, observing the unfolding events.
In the art gallery, patrons often stand before a masterpiece, immersing themselves in its details and significance.
In the quiet forest, the photographer decided to stand and appreciate the beauty of the sunrise.

a se menține, a rămâne valabil

(of a condition, situation, or agreement) to remain effective without losing relevance over time
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The company 's commitment to quality still stands, as their products continued to receive positive reviews from customers.
The contract stood, still binding both parties even after several years.
We hope that the agreement will stand, providing stability for future collaborations.

a se ridica, a sta

to possess or exhibit a specific vertical height
Transitive: to stand a specific height
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The ancient tower stands 100 feet.
The mountain range is known for peaks that stand 3,000 meters above sea level.
The basketball player, known for his remarkable talent, stands an impressive height of 6 feet 10 inches.

a ridica, a poziționa

to erect or position something vertically
Transitive: to stand sth somewhere
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She stood the books neatly on the shelf, organizing them by genre.
The artist stood the easel by the window to capture the best natural light for painting.
He stood the ladder against the wall, preparing to climb up and fix the broken light fixture.

stand, tarabă

a booth where articles are displayed for sale
stand definition and meaning

cadran, suport

a piece of furniture or structure that is designed to hold, support, or display something, such as clothing, accessories, or other items
stand definition and meaning

What is a "stand"?

A stand is a piece of furniture or structure designed to hold or support an item or group of items. It can come in many forms, such as a tabletop stand for displaying objects, a freestanding stand for holding things like plants or books, or a specialized stand for items like speakers, lamps, or trophies. Stands are typically made from materials like wood, metal, or plastic and are used in various settings, including homes, offices, or public spaces. They provide stability and help organize or display items in an orderly and accessible way.


suport pentru bicicletă, stativ pentru bicicletă

a tool designed for the safe storage of bicycles when not in use
stand definition and meaning

poziție, atitudine

an attitude, position, or opinion that one holds or states firmly

turmă, stâna

a group of animals in a specific location, such as a herd or flock

suport, fundament

a support or foundation

suport, masa mică

a small table for holding articles of various kinds

poziție, stare

the position where a thing or person stands

intervenție, oprire

an interruption of normal activity

apără, defensivă

a defensive effort

tribună, stilou

an area where spectators sit or stand to watch the game

What is a "stand"?

A stand is a raised platform or structure where spectators sit or stand to watch the action. It is often located around a field, court, or stage, providing a clear view of the event. Stands can vary in size and shape, ranging from small, temporary setups to large, permanent structures at stadiums. They are usually designed with seating for comfort and safety and are sometimes covered to protect spectators from the weather. Stands are an important part of most sporting venues, offering a place for fans to gather and cheer on their teams.

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The fans filled the stands to cheer for their team.
She waved enthusiastically from the stands as her favorite player scored a goal.
The stadium 's upper stands offered a great view of the entire field.

stare, stop

declining to take another card from the deck or discard pile, typically with the goal of keeping one's current hand without risking getting a worse card.

What is a "stand"?

A stand is the act of choosing not to take any additional cards or actions during a turn in a card game. This decision is often made when a player believes their current hand is strong enough to win, or when taking more cards would risk a disadvantage, such as exceeding a certain total in games like Blackjack. By taking a stand, the player signals that they are finished with their turn and will not make any further moves, leaving the outcome of the hand to be determined based on the current cards.

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