to bail
αφέρω με εγγύηση, εγγυώμαι
to release someone until their trial after they gave an amount of money to the court
Transitive: to bail sb
After being arrested, the accused had the option to bail themselves by paying the required bail.
The family decided to bail their relative by posting the necessary bail bond.
Right now, the family is bailing the defendant out of custody.
αδειάζω, βάζω απόσταση
to remove water from a boat by using a container to scoop it out and throw it overboard
Transitive: to bail water
The crew had to bail water out of the boat every few minutes as the rain poured down.
He grabbed a bucket to bail the water from the leaking boat before it became too heavy.
As the storm worsened, they had to bail water out of the boat every few minutes.
αδειάζω (adeiazo), ξεμπαζώνω (xemvazono)
to remove water from a boat or ship, typically using a container like a bucket
Transitive: to bail a vessel
The captain ordered the crew to bail quickly after the boat began to take on water.
The sailor worked tirelessly to bail the boat, trying to keep it afloat in the rough sea.
He was so tired from bailing the boat that he barely had the strength to row.
παραδίνω, εκχωρώ
to hand over personal property to someone else, entrusting them with it for a specific purpose and for a limited time
Transitive: to bail a possession to sb/sth
The farmer bailed his machinery to the neighbor for the harvest season.
The museum bailed several ancient artifacts to the conservators for restoration.
The company bailed the equipment to a third-party service provider for temporary use.
απελευθερώνω, εγγυώμαι
to release a prisoner temporarily after receiving a set amount of money or a guarantee to ensure they return for future court appearances
Transitive: to bail sb
The court decided to bail the defendant until the next hearing.
The judge bailed the defendant after receiving the required security deposit.
After the hearing, the judge decided to bail the suspect, having received a bond as security.
αποχωρώ, φεύγω
to leave or exit a situation, typically quickly or unexpectedly
I had to bail on the party because I was n’t feeling well.
He decided to bail when the conversation got too awkward.
She was ready to bail from the meeting as soon as it started running late.
The judge set bail at $10,000 for the defendant's release from jail before the trial.
The accused was unable to afford the bail amount and remained in custody until the court date.
The bail bondsman agreed to post bail on behalf of the defendant in exchange for a fee.
εγγύηση, ασφάλεια
the legal system that allows an accused person to be temporarily released from custody (usually on condition that a sum of money guarantees their appearance at trial)

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