to bail
kefaletle serbest bırakmak
to release someone until their trial after they gave an amount of money to the court
Transitive: to bail sb
The judge unexpectedly bailed the suspect due to lack of substantial evidence.
Right now, the family is actively bailing the defendant out of custody.
The family decided to bail their relative out of detention by posting the necessary bail bond.
su boşaltmak, bail yapmak
to remove water from a boat by using a container to scoop it out and throw it overboard
Transitive: to bail water
su boşaltmak, tahliye etmek
to remove water from a boat or ship, typically using a container like a bucket
Transitive: to bail a vessel
emanet etmek, kullanmaya vermek
to hand over personal property to someone else, entrusting them with it for a specific purpose and for a limited time
Transitive: to bail a possession to sb/sth
teminata bırakmak, kefaletle serbest bırakmak
to release a prisoner temporarily after receiving a set amount of money or a guarantee to ensure they return for future court appearances
Transitive: to bail sb
The judge set bail at $10,000 for the defendant 's release from jail before the trial.
The bail bondsman agreed to post bail on behalf of the defendant in exchange for a fee.
The bail bondsman agreed to post bail on behalf of the defendant in exchange for a fee.
teminat, kefalet
the legal system that allows an accused person to be temporarily released from custody (usually on condition that a sum of money guarantees their appearance at trial)
The judge unexpectedly bailed the suspect due to lack of substantial evidence.
Right now, the family is actively bailing the defendant out of custody.
The family decided to bail their relative out of detention by posting the necessary bail bond.
The judge decided to bail the defendant out of jail, pending their trial, after the bail amount was paid.
After being arrested, the accused had the option to bail themselves by paying the required bail.