zpět, nazpátek
zpět, nazpátek
zpět, nazpět
zpět, v reakci
zadržet, bránit
What is "back"?
The back is the posterior region of the human body, extending from the shoulders to the buttocks. It comprises the spine, muscles, ligaments, and other supporting structures. The back provides stability, protection, and flexibility, allowing for a wide range of movements and supporting the body's weight. It plays a vital role in posture, balance, and the overall functioning of the musculoskeletal system. The back is a complex and essential part of the human body, contributing to both physical strength and mobility, as well as serving as a canvas for self-expression through art and body adornments.
opěradlo, zadní část
záložník, bek
Who is a "back"?
A back in football is a player who has several key roles, such as running with the ball, blocking for teammates, or catching passes. They often start behind the offensive line and are used to move the ball forward either by carrying it themselves or by helping set up other players for successful plays. There are different types of backs, such as running backs, who focus mainly on running with the ball, and fullbacks, who may block defenders to protect other players or catch passes. Their main goal is to help the team move the ball down the field and score.
břemeno, tlak
podporovat, potvrzovat
podpořit, posílit
otočit, změnit směr
být za, podporovat
přikládat, pokryt
doprovodit, podpořit