The past
The past of this country is filled with historic events.
In the past, people traveled by horse-drawn carriages.
Some traditions from the past are still practiced today.
il passato, il tempo passato
(grammar) the past tense or form of a verb, indicating actions or states that occurred in a previous time
Conjugating verbs in the past is an essential skill in learning any language.
passato, storia problematica
a period in a person's history that is viewed as shameful or problematic, often suggesting hidden or regrettable events or actions
His successful career could n't completely erase the shadows of his troubled past.
The detective knew that the suspect had a past, one that might explain his current actions.
She tried to move on, but her past continued to haunt her in unexpected ways.
il passato, la storia
the historical background of a place, country, group, or other entities, encompassing the events and experiences that have shaped their development over time
The ancient ruins offer a glimpse into the past of the once-great civilization.
The town 's past is filled with stories of explorers and pioneers who settled the area.
The museum exhibits artifacts that tell the past of the indigenous people of the region.
Past mistakes served as valuable lessons for future decision-making.
Her past experiences shaped her perspective on life.
The past events of the company shaped its current policies and strategies.
The past month has been filled with exciting developments at the office.
During the past few days, the weather has been unusually warm for this time of year.
In the past year, she has traveled to several different countries for her research.
The incident happened 15 years past, yet it remains fresh in their memories.
The building was constructed 50 years past, but it still stands strong today.
The company was founded 20 years past, and it has grown steadily over the decades.
The difficult times are past, and we can finally focus on the future.
The storm has passed, and the danger is now past.
The tense moment is now past, leaving everyone relieved.
The past president of the club was honored for her years of service.
Past champions were invited to the ceremony to celebrate the tournament 's history.
The reunion brought together past leaders of the organization for a special event.
(grammar) referring to tense that indicates an action that has already occurred or a state that previously existed
The train left the station at a time just past 9 AM.
The meeting started at 2 p.m. and lasted past 5 p.m.
The restaurant is usually crowded during lunchtime, but it 's less busy past 1:30 p.m.
used to indicate movement in a direction beyond or to the other side of someone or something
Our office is just past the main intersection on the left.
The river flows past the town and into the sea.
They drove past the school on their way to the park.
The project has moved past the initial planning phase and into execution.
She pushed herself past her physical limits to complete the marathon.
He ate past his usual portion and felt uncomfortably full.
The past of this country is filled with historic events.
In the past, people traveled by horse-drawn carriages.
Some traditions from the past are still practiced today.
We've visited that amusement park in the past.
I learned a lot from the mistakes I made in the past.

Parole Vicine