to arise
vstát, zvednout se
to stand up or get up from a sitting position
As the judge entered the courtroom, everyone in attendance respectfully arose out of courtesy.
The audience spontaneously arose in a standing ovation to applaud the exceptional performance.
The soldier quickly arose when the commanding officer entered the room.
vstávat, zvedat se
to get up from a lying position
Intransitive: to arise | to arise point in time
Every morning, she would arise early to enjoy the tranquility of dawn.
As the alarm clock rang, he slowly arose from a restful night's sleep.
It was challenging for him to arise promptly on Mondays after a busy weekend.
Unexpected challenges can arise during the course of a project, requiring swift problem-solving.
It was only when the sun set that the need for additional lighting arose in the outdoor event.
Tensions began to arise among team members due to differing opinions on the project's direction.
Veins that arise from the main artery supply blood to the legs.
Crops that arise from well-tended soil usually grow more robustly.
Creative ideas can arise from observing the natural world.
The oppressed citizens decided to arise against the tyrannical regime, demanding justice and freedom.
The people were inspired to arise when they witnessed widespread corruption in the government.
Throughout history, many movements have arisen as a response to social injustice and inequality.
A mist arose from the valley as the sun began to warm the earth.
Smoke arose from the chimneys of the old factory and disappeared into the sky.
Steam arose from the boiling pot of water as it reached its boiling point.
vynořit se, objevit se
(of large or distant objects) to become gradually visible as one gets closer to it
As we hiked up the trail, the mountain gradually arose on the horizon.
The tall skyscraper began to arise as we drove closer to the city center.
The ancient castle slowly arose from the mist as we approached on the boat.

Blízká Slova