Tìm kiếm
to transpire
được tiết lộ, được công khai
to be revealed or disclosed, often in reference to events or information
Transitive: to transpire sth
The details of the secret meeting between the two leaders transpired, causing a diplomatic uproar.
It took weeks for the truth to transpire about the company's financial difficulties.
The scandal only started to transpire after leaked documents became public.
xảy ra, diễn ra
to take place, unfold, or happen, often in the context of events or situations
Intransitive: to transpire | to transpire point in time
The meeting is scheduled to transpire at noon in the conference room.
It was unclear how the misunderstanding had transpired between the two parties.
We were eager to learn what would transpire during the negotiations between the two countries.
bốc hơi, thải ra
to emit vapor or gaseous substances into the atmosphere
Transitive: to transpire gas or vapor
The newly painted walls began to transpire, releasing volatile organic compounds into the air.
As the hot coffee cooled, it transpired a fragrant steam that filled the kitchen.
The industrial process involved heating the material until it transpired various gases.
thoát hơi nước, bốc hơi nước
(of plants) to release water vapor, especially through leaves
Transitive: to transpire water or vapor
The trees in the rainforest transpire large amounts of water vapor, contributing to the high humidity.
During the hot summer days, the garden plants transpire more water to cool themselves.
The process of photosynthesis in the leaves causes them to transpire and release moisture.

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