to attach
bağlamak, iliştirmek
to physically connect or fasten something to another thing
Ditransitive: to attach sth to sth
The artist has attached the canvas to the easel for painting.
Last night, he attached the missing button to his shirt.
While the team was working, they were attaching labels to the products.
eklemek, ilave etmek
to send a file with an email
Transitive: to attach a file
Ditransitive: to attach a file to an e-mail
Please attach the report to your email before sending it to the team.
He attached the photos to his message to share them with his friends.
Do n't forget to attach the spreadsheet to your application for review.
önem atfetmek, değer vermek
to assign importance or value to something
Ditransitive: to attach importance or value to sth
She attached great importance to spending time with her family.
The team leader attached a lot of value to punctuality and reliability.
The teacher attached considerable importance to critical thinking skills in her curriculum.
to stick or become connected to something
Transitive: to attach to sth
The sticker would n't attach properly to the glossy paper.
The Velcro strips easily attach to each other, creating a secure closure.
The suction cups attached firmly to the smooth glass surface.
el koymak, hapsetmek
to seize or take possession of something under legal authority
Transitive: to attach property or assets
The sheriff was authorized to attach the debtor's property to satisfy the outstanding debt.
The creditor obtained a court order to attach the debtor's vehicle as collateral for the loan.
The bank may seek to attach the borrower's property if they default on the mortgage loan.
bağlanmak, ilişki kurmak
to form a bond or connection with someone
Transitive: to attach to sb
She quickly attached to her new classmates, forming close friendships within the first week of school.
The community quickly attached to the new family in town, welcoming them with open arms.
He found it easy to attach to his coworkers, enjoying their camaraderie in the office.

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