to hold
hålla, äga
to have in your hands or arms
Transitive: to hold sth
They held candles during the power outage.
She held her friend's hand for support during the scary movie.
He gently held the fragile vase, careful not to drop it.
rikta, sikta
to aim, point, or direct something, especially a gun, weapon, etc.
Transitive: to hold a weapon or tool on sb/sth
The soldier held a rifle on the enemy.
The bank robber held a pistol on the cashier.
The vigilant guard held a flashlight on the suspicious figure.
höll, kramade
to cover a part of one's body with one's hands, especially because of pain
Transitive: to hold a part of one's body
She held her chest and winced in pain.
He held his throbbing temples as the migraine struck again.
He held his injured leg, unable to walk any further.
hålla, omfamna
to put one's arms around the body of another person
Transitive: to hold sb
After a long absence, they held each other in a warm embrace.
He held her gently, providing comfort in her time of need.
The couple held each other tightly, dancing to their favorite song.
innehava, ha
to have something as one's own
Transitive: to hold a right or asset
The company holds patents for its innovative technology.
They hold joint ownership of the vacation home.
Our school holds the record for the most championships in the district.
hålla, anamma
to have a specific opinion or belief about someone or something
Transitive: to hold an opinion or belief
My grandfather held traditional values when it came to family.
I hold strong political convictions about environmental conservation.
He holds radical views on economic reform.
hålla med, besluta
(especially of a court of law or judge) to decide and declare something
Transitive: to hold that
The Supreme Court held that the law was unconstitutional.
The judge held that the evidence presented was insufficient to convict the defendant.
The magistrate held that the case should proceed to trial.
innehade, hade
to have or occupy a certain position or job
Transitive: to hold a position or job
Mary held a senior management position at the company.
The organization has held the role of project manager since the project's inception.
Women continue to hold the majority of leadership positions in the education sector.
hålla, besitta
to have illegal drugs
When the authorities found out he was holding, they arrested him on the spot.
While she was holding, law enforcement officers arrested her immediately.
hålla, anordna
to organize a specific event, such as a meeting, party, election, etc.
Transitive: to hold an event
She holds a weekly meeting with her team.
The company will hold a seminar on business ethics.
We held a family gathering last weekend.
hålla, bevara
to keep someone or something in a particular position or state
Complex Transitive: to hold sth [adj]
Transitive: to hold sth somewhere
Please hold the door shut until I fix the latch.
They held the gate open for the guests.
Hold your posture straight while sitting.
hålla, fängsla
to retain the attention or interest of someone
Transitive: to hold someone's attention or interest
The movie had enough action and suspense to hold my attention throughout.
The topic of accounting principles held little interest for him.
These scientific theories held little interest for most people.
hålla, försvara
to protect a certain place against an attack
Transitive: to hold a place
The soldiers will hold the fort against any enemy incursions.
They managed to hold the stronghold despite several attempts to breach it.
The defenders will hold the city walls against the invaders.
hålla, behålla
to keep someone somewhere and not let them leave, especially as a prisoner
Transitive: to hold sb
The rebels held the diplomats as prisoners.
The police held the suspect in custody for questioning.
The pirates held the crew members aboard their ship.
hålla kvar, hindra
to keep someone or something from leaving or from what they want to do
Transitive: to hold sb/sth
Hold your breath while I take this photo.
Please hold the elevator for me; I'm coming!
She could n't hold her laughter when she heard the hilarious joke.
inhålla, befästa
to maintain control over a particular place, often by force
Transitive: to hold a place
The enemy forces held the border for several months.
The occupation forces held the city center for a significant period.
The invaders held the fortress for several months.
hålla, bevara
to keep something at a particular rate, level, etc.
Hold the temperature steady at 20 degrees Celsius.
The company is working to hold production costs below $ 50 per unit.
Please hold your voice down during the meeting.
hålla, bevara
to cause something to stay the same as before
Complex Transitive: to hold sth [adj]
Transitive: to hold sth at a specific rate
We aim to hold prices steady throughout the year.
The company plans to hold production at its current rate.
The government is focused on holding imports at their current levels to support domestic industries.
bestå, hålla sig
to stay the same as before
I wonder if this peace and quiet will hold for the entire weekend.
If her health holds, she might be able to join us on the trip.
Let 's pray that the calm atmosphere holds throughout the evening.
fästa, hålla fast
(of a vehicle) to keep close contact with the road and to be controllable in an easy and safe manner, particularly when driven at speed
Transitive: to hold a road
This sports car holds the road like a dream.
The tires are designed to help the SUV hold the bumps well during off-road adventures.
The experienced driver knows how to make the racing bike hold the curves with precision.
hålla kurs, följa samma kurs
(of an aircraft or a ship) to continue to follow the same course as before
Transitive: to hold a course of movement
The pilot instructed the co-pilot to hold the current heading.
Despite the strong winds, the aircraft managed to hold its course.
The ship held a steady westward course throughout the journey.
hålla, bibehålla
to stay at a particular rate, level, etc.
Despite the market fluctuations, gold prices held steady this week.
The temperature held at a comfortable 22 degrees Celsius all day.
The water pressure in our pipes has held at a consistent level.
bära, hålla
to bear the weight of something or someone
Transitive: to hold a weight
I do n't trust this old chair to hold my weight.
The bridge can hold the weight of multiple cars at once.
I 'm not sure if this ladder will hold both of us.
hålla, stödja
to stay strong, secure, or in a particular position without collapsing or breaking
I hope the rope holds while we're climbing.
The old bridge does n't look very sturdy, but it has held for years.
The gate held, keeping the cattle from wandering into the field.
gäller, fortsätter
to be or continue to be available or valid
Is the discount still holding for this weekend?
If your invitation to the party still holds, I'd love to come.
The warranty on this product holds for two years.
hålla, reservera
to reserve or keep something for someone's later use
Transitive: to hold sth
I 'll hold this seat for you until the movie starts.
The hotel will hold your room reservation until 6 PM.
Could you please hold my spot in line while I grab a coffee?
vänta, Hålla
to wait on the phone line until the other person answers it
Transitive: to hold the telephone line
Could you please hold for a moment while I transfer your call?
I'll hold the line until he's ready to speak with me.
Sorry, the person you're trying to reach is currently on another call.
hålla, innehålla
to contain or have the capacity to contain a certain amount
Transitive: to hold an amount or number of something
This jar holds about 1 kilogram of cookies.
The suitcase can hold all your clothes for the trip.
The storage bin holds up to 20 books.
ha en bra förmåga att dricka, klara av att dricka
to be able to consume alcoholic drinks in a reasonable amount and without showing signs of drunkenness
Transitive: to hold alcoholic drinks
He can hold his drink better than most of his friends.
She surprised everyone by holding her liquor during the party.
I 've learned to hold my drink over the years.
innehålla, hålla
to offer or have a particular thing
Transitive: to hold information or a consequence
The book holds the answers to your questions.
The old journal holds secrets from the past.
The document holds valuable information about the company's history.
stöder, anser
to agree or be in accord with someone or something
Transitive: to hold with a person or an idea
I hold with the idea that teamwork leads to success.
He holds with the principles of honesty and integrity.
Many scientists hold with the theory of evolution.
skippa, utan
to instruct someone to not include or add something, particularly food or drink
Transitive: to hold an ingredient
I 'd like a burger, but hold the pickles, please.
I 'll take a pizza, but hold the olives, please.
Give me the salad, but hold the dressing.
hålla tillbaka, utlämna
to request the omission or exclusion of an ingredient or item from a dish
I'd like a burger, but hold the onions.
Can you hold the pickles on my sandwich?
I'd like the salad, but hold the dressing.
handtag, grepp
the appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it
grepp, håll
the act of grasping
hålla, cell
a cell in a jail or prison
lastutrymme, lastrum
the space in a ship or aircraft for storing cargo
fäste, fästeplats
a stronghold
grepp, inflytande
power by which something or someone is affected or dominated
innehåll, omfattning
understanding of the nature or meaning or quality or magnitude of something
hålla, fängelse
a state of being confined (usually for a short time)
håll, paus
time during which some action is awaited