Tìm kiếm
to crumple
sụp đổ, tan rã
to collapse or disintegrate suddenly and completely
The old bridge crumpled under the weight of the heavy truck, sending debris tumbling into the river below.
As the storm intensified, the tent poles began to bend, and the shelter eventually crumpled in the strong winds.
With a loud crash, the poorly constructed wall crumpled, revealing the shoddy workmanship underneath.
nhăn, gập
to crush, fold, or wrinkle something, resulting in irregular and uneven creases
Transitive: to crumple fabric or paper
She crumpled the piece of paper in her hand, unable to contain her frustration.
The strong wind crumpled the umbrella, rendering it useless against the storm.
He crumpled the napkin and used it to wipe the spill from the table.
nhăn, vặn
to wrinkle the face due to intense emotions or age-related changes
Upon hearing the sad news, she could n't hold back her tears, causing her face to crumple with grief.
When he received the disappointing news, his face visibly crumpled in a mix of surprise and disappointment.
The comedian 's exaggerated expression caused the audience to crumple with laughter.
sụp đổ, gục ngã
to collapse or fall suddenly and heavily, often due to exhaustion, injury, or emotional distress
After running the marathon, he crumpled to the ground, utterly exhausted.
Overwhelmed by grief, she crumpled onto the couch, unable to hold back her tears.
The football player crumpled to the turf after a hard tackle, clutching his injured knee.
nhăn lại, gập lại
to become wrinkled with irregular and uneven folds
The paper crumpled in his hand as he squeezed it tightly in frustration.
The old map crumpled in the wind, its edges flapping wildly as it unfolded.
As she sat down, the dress crumpled around her.
chạy, sụp đổ
the runner on third base starts home as the pitcher delivers the ball