couvrir, recouvrir
être correspondant, couvrir
couvrir, incuber
couvrir, envelopper
couvrir, s'étendre sur
couvrir, inclure
couvrir, surveiller
couvrir, viser
surveiller, couvrir
couvrir, se positionner
couvrir, prévenir
couvrir, recouvrir
couvrir, protéger
cocher, saillir
couvrir, recouvrir
couvrir, suffire à
couvrir, remplacer
couverture, cache
couverture, édredon
couverture, carte
couverture, identité d'emprunt
reprise, couverture
What is a "cover"?
A cover refers to a new performance or recording of a song that was originally performed by another artist. The cover version may stay close to the original in style and arrangement or may include new interpretations and variations. A cover allows various artists to present their own unique take on the music, often bringing their unique style or perspective to the work.
couverture, tir de couverture
frais d'entrée, couverture
couvercle, capot
couvercle, couverture