to heave
levantar, alzar
to lift upward, often with a significant amount of effort or force
Transitive: to heave sb/sth | to heave sb/sth somewhere
After hours of hard work, the construction team managed to heave the massive boulder onto the truck for transport.
With a collective effort, the sailors began to heave the anchor out of the water, preparing the ship to set sail.
Struggling to move the furniture up the narrow staircase, they had to heave the heavy sofa to the second floor.
suspirar, emitir
to utter something with visible effort, often accompanied by a deep breath or strain
Transitive: to heave a sigh
Exhausted from the climb, he heaved a sigh of relief when he finally reached the mountaintop.
She heaved a heavy sigh as she contemplated the enormity of the task before her.
The old man heaved a long, weary sigh as he recounted the hardships of his youth.
arrojar, echar
to throw or hurl something forcefully, often with great effort or exertion
Transitive: to heave sth somewhere
The sailor heaved the anchor overboard, sending it plunging into the depths of the sea.
With all his strength, he heaved the boulder off the cliff, watching it tumble down into the valley below.
To clear the pathway, the workers heaved the heavy logs aside, making way for the equipment.
vomitar, arcadas
to try to throw up or vomit
After eating the spoiled food, he felt nauseous and began to heave uncontrollably.
The strong smell of the garbage made her heave, but she managed to control her gag reflex.
The rough seas caused many of the passengers on the boat to heave over the side.
elevar, agitar
to move upward and downward in a rhythmic or spasmodic manner
The ship heaved gently as it rode the ocean waves.
With each breath, the wounded soldier 's chest heaved with pain.
The earthquake made the ground heave and tremble beneath their feet.
jadeo, resoplar
to breathe rapidly and laboriously, often due to exhaustion, exertion, or excitement
After running a marathon, he was heaving heavily, trying to catch his breath.
The dog heaved after chasing the ball relentlessly around the park.
The laborer heaved as he lifted the heavy crate onto the truck bed.
levantar, arrastrar
to move a vessel, often using physical effort or mechanical means to change its position, direction, or speed
Transitive: to heave a vessel somewhere
With the engines at full throttle, the tugboat heaved the massive tanker away from the dock.
The captain instructed the crew to heave the ship starboard to avoid colliding with the oncoming vessel.
To dock safely, the captain had to heave the ship astern and then swing it into position.
desplazamiento horizontal, dislocación horizontal
(geology) a horizontal dislocation
elevación, movimiento ascendente
an upward movement (especially a rhythmical rising and falling)
lanzamiento, arrojo
throwing something heavy (with great effort)
esfuerzo, empuje
the act of lifting something with great effort
alzado, elevación
the act of raising something
gag, arcada
an involuntary spasm of ineffectual vomiting

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