to hold out
[phrase form: hold]
κρατώ έξω (krató éxō), προτείνω (proteínō)
to extend one's hand or an object toward someone, often to give or offer something to them
Transitive: to hold out one's hand or an object
She held out her hand, offering a warm handshake to greet the visitor.
The child held out a bouquet of flowers to her mother as a surprise.
For the signing of the contract, he held out a pen.
αντέχω, κρατώ
to survive no matter how dangerous or threatening the circumstances are
She managed to hold out in the wilderness for a week with limited supplies.
The small town held out against the floodwaters, thanks to community efforts.
Despite the harsh conditions, the team was determined to hold out.
κρατώ, αντέχω
to remain sufficient over a period of time
Intransitive: to hold out | to hold out sometime
The town 's resources must hold out through the harsh winter months.
Our supplies need to hold out until the rescue team arrives.
The small group of survivors rationed their food and water, making it hold out until rescue arrived.
κρατώ (krató), αντέχω (antéchō)
to wait or withhold something, often with the intention of negotiation or resistance
Intransitive: to hold out | to hold out for sth | to hold out on sth
He decided to hold out for a higher salary during negotiations.
The company is holding out on releasing the new product until market conditions improve.
He 's holding out on sharing the key information with the team.
κρατώ για αργότερα, διατηρώ για μελλοντική χρήση
to reserve something for later use or consideration
Transitive: to hold out a resource
She decided to hold out a portion of her salary for future investments.
He held out a part of the food to enjoy as a snack later.
We 'll hold out some of the budget for unexpected expenses.
κρατώ (krató), παρέχω (paréchō)
to present an opportunity, hope, or potential for something positive or desired to occur
Transitive: to hold out a chance or opportunity
His research holds out the hope of finding a cure for the disease.
The company 's innovative technology holds out the possibility of a brighter future.
This program holds out a chance for disadvantaged youth to succeed.
κρατώ ελπίδα, διατηρώ ελπίδα
to maintain a feeling of hope or optimism in a situation, often with caution or skepticism
Transitive: to hold out hope or optimism
She 's not holding out hope for a quick recovery, given the severity of the illness.
After the recent setbacks, they are still holding out optimism for a successful project.
She was n't holding out much hope for a promotion this year.
κρατώ κρυφό, αποφεύγω να αποκαλύψω
to withhold something, such as information or resources
Transitive: to hold out information or resources | to hold out on sb
She held out on him until the right moment.
The company manager was accused of holding out vital information from the team.
The witness admitted to holding out certain details during the initial questioning.
In the storm, they prayed that the makeshift shelter would hold out.
Despite the wear and tear, they hoped the old car battery would hold out a little longer.
The team was concerned about whether the equipment would hold out for the entire mission.

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