The dull glow of the candle barely lit the room.
The dull light in the room made it hard to read.
The dull glow of the old lamp barely illuminated the space.
тупой, безжизненный
(of an object or surface) lacking a sharp or pointed edge, making it unsuitable for cutting, piercing, etc.
The dull knife struggled to slice through the bread.
She reached for a dull pencil to take notes in class.
The dull blade needed sharpening before it could be used effectively.
His artwork used a palette of dull earth tones, evoking a sense of nostalgia.
The carpet in the room was a dull beige, worn down from years of use.
The old paint on the house had faded to a dull shade of blue.
He felt dull when struggling to grasp the complex concepts in class.
The teacher was patient with the dull student, offering extra help.
Her dull response indicated that she did n't fully comprehend the topic.
(of weather or sky) overcast, cloudy, or lacking brightness
The sky was dull and overcast, casting a gray pall over the landscape.
The dull weather persisted throughout the day, with no sign of the sun breaking through the clouds.
The forecast predicted dull skies and scattered showers for the weekend.
The dull presentation failed to engage the audience.
His dull demeanor made it difficult to have an engaging conversation with him.
The dull performance of the team disappointed their fans.
He felt dull after hours of listening to the monotonous lecture.
The party was so uneventful that everyone looked dull and restless.
The students grew dull after spending too much time on the same assignment.
тугой, глубокий
(of pain) not sharp or intense
The dull pain in his back was manageable, unlike the sharp aches he had experienced before.
The dull ache in his head made it hard to concentrate.
She experienced a dull pain in her lower back after sitting for too long.
The dull market made it hard for investors to find good opportunities.
Sales were dull this quarter, leading to concerns about the economy.
The dull trading session saw minimal activity on the stock exchange.
Her dull hearing made it difficult for her to follow the conversation.
He noticed his vision was dull after spending too much time indoors.
With a cold, her dull sense of smell could n't detect the scent of the flowers.
The dull hum of the refrigerator in the kitchen persisted throughout the night.
As the storm approached, the dull roar of thunder hinted at the impending rain.
In the distance, the dull thud of construction machinery echoed through the quiet neighborhood.
to dull
The once-bright silverware began to dull after years of regular use.
The vibrant paint started to dull due to prolonged exposure to sunlight.
Over time, the polished granite countertop began to dull, losing its original sheen.
The excitement of the new show began to dull after a few episodes.
As the years went by, his passion for the hobby started to dull.
The thrill of the adventure dulled as the routine set in.
The thick walls dulled the sound of the construction outside.
He tried to dull the echo in the hallway by placing rugs on the floor.
The blanket helped dull the sound of the fireworks during the celebration.
Time dulled the pain of her loss, making it easier to cope.
The medication dulled his headache, bringing him some relief.
The painkillers dulled the throbbing in his knee after the surgery.
The constant use dulled the blade of his kitchen knife.
The rough surface dulled the scissors after repeated use.
Over time, the once-sharp sword dulled from wear and tear.
Over time, the knife will dull if not properly maintained.
The blade dulled after repeated use, making it ineffective.
As the chef worked, he noticed that the knife began to dull.