girare, ruotare
piegare, ripiegare
girare, voltare
torcere, infortunare
girare, ruotare
girare, voltare
versare, trasferire
girare, cambiare direzione
cambiare, girare
girare, voltare
girare, curvare
rivolgersi a, concentrarsi su
indirizzare, concentrare
compire, raggiungere
diventare, tornare
fermentare, rovinare
cambiarsi, diventare
cagliare, andare a male
trasformare, cambiare
cambiare, trasformarsi
impazzire, perdere la ragione
modellare, forgiare
modellare, plasmare
tornire, lavorare
arare, zappare
ripiegare, appiattire
piegare, curvare
realizzare, compiere
liberare, rilasciare
far girare, deviare
vendere, andare a ruba
vendere, smaltire
voltare, cambiare
cambiare, voltare
contornare, girare
cambiare, modificare
curva, manovra
una svolta, un cambiamento
girata, volta
torno, giro
girata, turno
passeggiata, giro
un favore, un turno
esibizione, interpretazione
What is a "turn"?
A turn is a specific performance, moment, or segment within a show, often featuring a distinct act or scene presented by a performer or group. It contributes to the overall production by showcasing the talents of the performers and advancing the storyline or theme of the event. Each turn involves a deliberate presentation or display designed to engage the audience and enhance the entertainment value of the performance.
turno, occasione
turno, periodo di lavoro
turno, giro
What is the "turn"?
The turn is the fourth community card dealt in poker games like Texas hold 'em and Omaha. It is placed face-up in the center of the table after the betting round following the flop. The turn is important because it gives players more information about the potential strength of their hand, and it leads to a new round of betting. After the turn, the fifth and final community card, called the river, is dealt, followed by the final betting round. Players use the turn along with the other community cards and their hole cards to make the best possible hand.
il giro, la transizione