memecahkan, membelah
patah, rusak
melarikan diri (dari penjara), kabur (dari tahanan)
mematahkan, menghancurkan
melanggar, tidak mematuhi
rusak, berfungsi tidak
memutuskan, menghentikan
berhenti sejenak, istirahat
meredakan jatuh, mengurangi dampak jatuh
memecahkan, menewaskan
menghilangkan, menghentikan
menghancurkan, mematahkan
mengganti, menghentikan
memecahkan, mengalahkan
menghancurkan, melemahkan
suara berubah, suara dewasa
suara menjadi serak, suara pecah
mengungkap, memecahkan
menyampaikan, dipublikasikan
memberitahukan, mengabarkan
melepaskan, berhenti bergulat
melukai, menggores
mematahkan, merusak
menukarkan, pecahan
memecahkan, menyodok
muncul, menyembul
memecah, berubah
menghempas, pecah
menggulai, mulai
membuka, bercerah
memecahkan, merusak
istirahat, rehat
patah, retak
What is a "break"?
A break, in the context of a noun, refers to a fracture or crack in hard tissue, like bone, typically caused by injury or underlying medical conditions. It involves the separation or disruption of the bone structure, often resulting in pain, swelling, and loss of function in the affected area. Healing a break usually requires medical attention, which may involve casting or surgery depending on the seriousness of the injury. Proper treatment and recovery are essential for restoring function and preventing complications in the affected bone.
patah, putus
kesempatan emas, peluang besar
patah, rusak
perpecahan, pemisahan
retakan, patahan
perse interrupts, kesempatan istirahat
laju mendadak, loncatan
break, serangan awal
pelarian, melarikan diri
patah, skenario gagal
break (n. sepak bola), menang game saat menerima servis
What is a "break"?
In tennis, a break occurs when the player receiving serve wins the game, thus breaking the server's serve. This is considered an advantage for the receiver because the server is expected to win their games more often. A break can shift the momentum of a match and is often seen as a key turning point. For example, if a player breaks their opponent's serve, they gain a crucial point and have the opportunity to serve in the following game. It is an important strategy to gaining control of the match.
patah, keputusan
perubahan nada, pergeseran suara
iklan, break iklan
istirahat, waktu rehat
What is a "break"?
A break is a short pause during the school day, allowing students to rest or recharge. It typically occurs between classes, during lunchtime, or after long periods of study or lessons. Breaks give students a chance to stretch, socialize, or have a snack before resuming their activities. These breaks help maintain focus and energy throughout the day, contributing to better learning and well-being. The duration of breaks can vary based on the school’s timetable.