to move using our legs, faster than we usually walk, in a way that both feet are never on the ground at the same time
to go and do something quickly
to pass in a specific direction
to extend or pass in a specific direction
to own, manage, or organize something such as a business, campaign, a group of animals, etc.
to cause engines or machines to operate, function, or perform their designated tasks
(of a tape) to actively record an audio or video content
(of computer programs) to function and execute its tasks
(of means of transportation) to make a scheduled and regular journey along a specific route
to have, maintain, and drive a vehicle
to change in a certain manner, particularly not a good one
to take place or happen with a delay or lateness compared to the planned time
to include everything within specific boundaries
(of liquids) to flow
(with reference to a newspaper, magazine, story, etc.) to print and publish
to navigate or travel through rapids or a waterfall in a boat
(of the sea, tide, or river) to rise to a higher level or flow with increased speed
to cost someone a particular amount of money
(with reference to a pair of tights or a stocking) to develop a long thin hole
(of wild animals) to pursue or chase a target prey during a hunt
to accompany or associate closely with a specific group, people, or animals
to advance while carrying the ball, typically in sports such as football, soccer, or rugby
to take goods in or out a country in an illegal way
to achieve a consecutive series of successes or counts
to allow or lead animals eat grass or vegetation in a designated area with plenty of plants
to alter or improve the properties of a substance or material, often through a mechanical or chemical process
to be consistently present or recurring, often as a trait or characteristic within a particular group or context
(with reference to cricket and baseball) to quickly move between bases or wickets, typically in response to a successful hit or play
(of fish) to migrate or move in significant numbers within a river, particularly for the purpose of spawning
to move smoothly and efficiently, as if on wheels or rollers
(of information, rumors, ideas, etc.) to be widely or commonly known, discussed, or spread among people
to be inherent or connected to a particular condition, property, or situation, often implying that it cannot be separated
to follow a specific sequence or arrangement
to occupy or hold a specific rank or standing in a race or competition
to track or investigate the origin or source of a particular item, information, rumor, or situation
to insert or drive an object into a surface or substance
to update or modify a record, tally, or count by including new information or data
(with reference to baseball) to remove or eject a manager, coach, or player from a game as a punishment
(of a train) to travel along a track on wheels, carrying passengers or goods
(of a bus, train, etc.) to operate or travel on a regular schedule to transport passengers
the act of moving on foot at a fast pace, often faster than walking, as a form of exercise or to travel a distance quickly
a long line or row of loose or torn threads or fibers in a fabric, such as tights or stockings
a score resulted from a player successfully reaches home plate after touching all the bases in order without being put out
What is a "run"?
A run in baseball or softball is when a player successfully reaches home plate after moving around the bases. This is the main way a team scores points. To score a run, the player must touch each of the four bases in order, starting from home plate, and then return to home plate. A run is counted every time a player makes it back to home plate without being put out by the other team. The team with the most runs at the end of the game wins.
a regular trip
a short trip
the act of testing something
an unbroken chronological sequence
the pouring forth of a fluid
a race where participants move swiftly on foot to reach a specific distance or finish line
a race between candidates for elective office
an unbroken series of events
the production achieved during a continuous period of operation (of a machine or factory etc.)
unrestricted freedom to use
the continuous period of time during which something (a machine or a factory) operates or continues in operation