يرتفع, يعلو
يزيد, يرتفع
تشرق, ترتفع
يبرز, يرتفع
يزداد, يشتد
ارتفع, تقدم
يرتفع, يبني
ينهض, يواجه
يرتفع, يزداد
يرتفع, يختمر
ينهض, يتمرد
يُ resurrect, يعود للموتى
زيادة, ارتفاع
ارتفاع, زيادة
ارتفاع, زيادة
ارتفاع, صعود
ارتفاع, انحدار
ارتفاع, صعود
ارتفاع, ميل
موجة, ارتفاع
ظهور, نهوض
ارتفاع, صعود
ارتفاع, نهوض
What is the "rise"?
In architecture, the rise refers to the vertical distance from the springing point of an arch or vault to its highest point, which is often the apex or crown. This measurement is important in determining the shape and overall appearance of the arch. A greater rise typically results in a steeper and more pronounced curve, while a smaller rise creates a flatter arch. The rise is a key factor in both the structural integrity and aesthetic quality of an arch, influencing how it interacts with the surrounding space and other architectural elements.