Tìm kiếm
to shake
lắc, rung
to move from side to side or up and down
The cat climbed the tree, causing the branches to shake with every agile movement.
The earthquake caused the lamp to swing and shake from side to side.
The boat sailed through choppy waters, causing it to shake with each wave that it encountered.
lắc, dao động
to cause someone or something to move up and down or from one side to the other with short rapid movements
Transitive: to shake sth
She shakes the salad dressing vigorously to emulsify the ingredients.
The bartender shakes the cocktail shaker to mix the drink thoroughly.
The farmer shakes the apple tree to make the ripe fruits fall.
run rẩy, rùng mình
(of one's body) to involuntarily shake, as a response to fear or due to a particular condition
After the sudden loud noise, she could n't help but shake with fright.
His hands started to shake as he approached the podium to deliver the speech.
The unexpected encounter with the wild animal caused him to shake with adrenaline.
lắc, gật đầu
to move or gesture a body part, typically a hand or head, to convey a greeting, emotion, or mental state
Transitive: to shake a body part
Jane shook her head in disbelief when she heard the surprising news.
The child enthusiastically shook his hands in the air to express his joy.
The teacher shook her finger in a playful manner to scold the mischievous student.
bắt tay, chào
to take someone's hand and move it up and down, mainly for greeting
Transitive: to shake someone's hand
In a traditional ceremony, the newlyweds shook hands with each member of the wedding party.
The two business partners shook hands, sealing the deal on their collaboration.
As a sign of mutual respect, the leaders shook hands in front of the gathered diplomats.
rung chuyển, lắc
to rapidly and intensely move back and forth, causing vibrations or tremors
As the thunder roared, the windows began to shake with the intensity of the storm.
The enthusiastic crowd's cheers made the stadium shake with energy and excitement.
The intense bass from the concert speakers made the entire room shake.
rung chuyển, đặt câu hỏi
to make something, particularly a belief or idea, less certain
Transitive: to shake a belief or idea
The new evidence presented in court threatened to shake the foundations of the theory.
A series of conflicting reports began to shake her confidence in the accuracy of the news.
The unexpected turn of events started to shake the team's belief in their strategy.
rúng động, làm chấn động
to cause someone to be emotionally disturbed or shocked
Transitive: to shake sb
The news of the sudden accident shook the entire community.
Witnessing the intense argument between his parents shook the child emotionally.
The harrowing documentary on the war 's impact shook the viewers.
lắc, rung
to alter or transform something into a particular state through rapid and abrupt movements
Complex Transitive: to shake sb/sth [adj]
She vigorously shook herself free from the stranger's hold.
He shook the snow loose from his boots.
She shook the crumbs clean from the tablecloth.
thoát khỏi, từ bỏ
to free oneself from, discard, or avoid something
Transitive: to shake a feeling or habit
After years of therapy, she managed to shake the lingering trauma from her past.
Focused on personal growth, she sought to shake the feelings of self-doubt and embrace confidence.
The explorer aimed to shake off the fear and embark on a daring expedition.
bắt tay, rung
grasping and shaking a person's hand (as to acknowledge an introduction or to agree on a contract)
sinh tố, sinh tố sữa
frothy drink of milk and flavoring and sometimes fruit or ice cream
tấm lợp, tấm
building material used as siding or roofing
rung, run
involuntary, short movements in one or more parts of one's body in response to cold, fear, or excitement
What is "shakes"?
Shakes refer to quick and uncontrolled movements of the body or parts of the body. They can show up as trembling or shivering and may happen for various reasons, such as neurological disorders, medication side effects, or anxiety. Shakes can affect different body parts, including the hands, arms, legs, or even the entire body. Treatment for shakes depends on the underlying cause and may involve medications, therapy, or other actions to manage symptoms and improve quality of life.
sự rung, sự lắc
causing to move repeatedly from side to side

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