rázni, inogni
rázni, mozdítani
remegni, reszketni
rázni, biccenteni
kezet rázni, üdvözölni
rezegni, rázni
megrázni, megingatni
megrázni, felkavarni
megrázni, rázni
megszabadulni, eltávolítani
kézfogás, remegés
tejshake, tejszínes ital
cserép, deszka
remegés, rezgés
What is "shakes"?
Shakes refer to quick and uncontrolled movements of the body or parts of the body. They can show up as trembling or shivering and may happen for various reasons, such as neurological disorders, medication side effects, or anxiety. Shakes can affect different body parts, including the hands, arms, legs, or even the entire body. Treatment for shakes depends on the underlying cause and may involve medications, therapy, or other actions to manage symptoms and improve quality of life.
rezgés, remegés