British pronunciation/spˈe‍ə/
American pronunciation/ˈspɛɹ/

Definicja i Znaczenie "spare"

to spare

poświęcić, ofiarować

to give someone something that one has enough of
Transitive: to spare sth
to spare definition and meaning
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He decided to spare the extra supplies to the local charity.
Postanowił ofiarować dodatkowe zapasy lokalnej organizacji charytatywnej.
She chose to spare her weekend plans to help her friend move.
Ona zdecydowała się poświęcić swoje plany na weekend, aby pomóc przyjaciółce w przeprowadzce.

oszczędzać, zniweczyć

to refrain from harming, injuring, or punishing someone or something
Transitive: to spare sb/sth
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Despite the betrayal, he chose to spare his friend's feelings and kept the secret to himself.
Pomimo zdrady, zdecydował się oszczędzić uczucia przyjaciela i zachować sekret dla siebie.
The compassionate judge decided to spare the young offender and opted for rehabilitation.
Współczujący sędzia postanowił oszczędzić młodego przestępcę i zdecydował się na rehabilitację.

oszczędzić, uwolnić

to save or exempt someone from a particular experience or action, often to avoid inconvenience or suffering
Ditransitive: to spare sb an experience or action | to spare sb from experience or action
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She spared him the trouble of preparing dinner by cooking a meal herself.
The teacher spared the students from taking an extra exam by offering an alternative assessment.

oszczędzać, szanować

to use time or resources in a careful and frugal way, avoiding waste
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She spares when it comes to dining out, opting to cook at home to save money.
Oszczędza, gdy chodzi o jedzenie na mieście, wybierając gotowanie w domu, aby zaoszczędzić pieniądze.
Despite the temptation, she spares when it comes to impulse purchases, preferring to save for future goals.
Pomimo pokusy, ona oszczędza, kiedy przychodzi do zakupów impulsywnych, preferując oszczędzać na przyszłe cele.

zapasu, rezerwowy

more than what is needed and not currently in use
spare definition and meaning
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He always kept spare batteries in his bag in case his devices ran out of power.
He had a spare key hidden outside in case he ever locked himself out of the house.

wolny, dodatkowy

(of time) available for hobbies and not taken up by activities or tasks
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He used his spare time to work on his hobby of woodworking.
Wykorzystał swój wolny czas, aby pracować nad swoim hobby, jakim jest stolarstwo.
With a few hours of spare time, they decided to explore the nearby city.
Mając kilka wolnych godzin, postanowili zwiedzić pobliskie miasto.

szczupły, wątły

thin or lean, often implying that the person is not carrying excess weight
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After months of training, he had a spare physique, ideal for competitive running.
Po miesiącach treningu miał szczupłą, wątłą sylwetkę, idealną do biegania wyczynowego.
The model 's spare figure was highlighted in the latest fashion magazine.
Szczupła figura modelki została podkreślona w najnowszym magazynie modowym.

skromny, niedostateczny

small and insufficient in amount
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His spare knowledge of the subject meant he struggled during the discussion.
Jego skromna wiedza na ten temat sprawiła, że miał trudności podczas dyskusji.
She offered a spare amount of sympathy, barely acknowledging the situation.
Ona zaoferowała skromną ilość współczucia, ledwo uznając sytuację.

oszczędny, skromny

simple and unadorned
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His spare writing style was clear and direct, avoiding unnecessary flourishes.
Jego oszczędny styl pisania był klarowny i bezpośredni, unikający zbędnych ozdobników.
She wore a spare outfit that was practical and understated, with no extra accessories.
Ona miała na sobie oszczędny strój, który był praktyczny i skromny, bez dodatkowych akcesoriów.

zamiennik, rezerwa

an extra item kept available for use as a replacement or backup
spare definition and meaning
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She always carries a spare in her bag, just in case she loses her primary key.
Ona zawsze nosi zamiennik w swojej torbie, na wypadek gdyby zgubiła główny klucz.
The mechanic replaced the flat tire with a spare from the trunk.
Mechanik wymienił przebitą oponę na rezerwową z bagażnika.

spare, w spare

the act of knocking down all ten pins with two consecutive rolls in a single frame of bowling

What is a "spare"?

A spare in bowling is when a player knocks down all 10 pins with two rolls in a frame. This happens if the player does not knock down all the pins with the first roll but manages to knock the remaining pins down with the second roll. A spare earns 10 points plus the number of pins knocked down on the player's next roll. It is a solid outcome, as it helps the player build a good score, though it is not as ideal as a strike. In ten-pin bowling, a spare is marked with a "/" on the scorecard.

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She picked up a spare by hitting the pins left standing after her first roll.
After the first ball, there were still a few pins left, but I managed to pick up a spare.
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