to urge
urgir a alguien a
to persistently try to motivate or support someone, particularly to pursue their goals
Ditransitive: to urge sb to do sth
The teacher urged her students to explore their passions and pursue their interests with determination.
Despite facing setbacks, his friends urged him to keep working towards his dream.
In times of doubt, his family always urged him to believe in himself and his abilities.
impulsar, instar
to push or make someone or something to move in a specific direction
Transitive: to urge sb/sth to a direction | to urge sb/sth somewhere
The strong winds urged the sailboat forward across the open sea.
The currents of the river urged the raft downstream, making paddling difficult.
The momentum of the protest urged the demonstrators forward as they marched through the streets.
to strongly recommend something
Transitive: to urge an action or attitude
The safety inspector urged caution when handling hazardous materials in the workplace.
The counselor urged communication in resolving conflicts between family members.
The therapist urged honesty in discussing emotions and feelings during therapy sessions.
instar, urgir
to try to make someone do something in a forceful or persistent manner
Ditransitive: to urge sb to do sth
The teacher urged the students to complete their assignments on time.
The campaign organizers urged citizens to vote.
During the rally, the speaker urged the crowd to take action and make their voices heard.
impulso, ansia
a strong desire or impulse to do something
impulso, instinto
an instinctive motive