říznout, přerušit
snížit, omezit
říznout, poranit
stříhat, zkrátit
řezat, uříznout
vypnout, přerušit
vykopnout, proříznout
řezat, krájet
nahrát, střihnout
střih, zastavit
stříhat, editovat
zastřihnout, vykrojit
proříznout, sekají se
říznout, odchýlit se
vydat, publikovat
střihnout, křížovitě
stříhat, krojit
propustit, vyloučit
kastrovat, odstranit varlata
prořezat, vyrůst
přerušit, ukončit
zmírnit, naředit
ignorovat, míjet
rozdělit, řezat
řezat, naříznout
říznout, krájet
říznout, poranit
sklízet, řezat
řezat, tvarovat
stříhat, přejít na
proniknout, proříznout
vytvářet dojem, představovat se
zvládnout, řídit
vynechat, nepřijít
krájený, říznutý
snížený, omezující
stříhaný, tvarovaný
uřezaný, tažený
pokos, sekání
střižený, uklizený
kastrovaný, ubezpečený
naříděný, ředěný
řez, rána
What is a "cut"?
A cut is a break or opening in the skin caused by something sharp, like a knife or glass. Cuts can vary in depth and seriousness, from small superficial ones that only affect the surface to deeper ones that may penetrate layers of tissue. They often result in bleeding, pain, and sometimes swelling around the affected area. Treatment for cuts involves cleaning the wound with soap and water to prevent infection, applying pressure to stop bleeding, and covering it with a clean bandage. In some cases, medical attention may be necessary, especially for deep cuts that may require stitches to close properly.
What is "cut"?
Cut refers to the way in which a garment is shaped and constructed, which ultimately gives it a particular style or silhouette. The cut of a garment can have a significant impact on how it fits and flatters the wearer's body, as well as on its overall aesthetic appeal. For example, a garment may be cut to be form-fitting or loose and flowing, with various degrees of draping, pleating, or tailoring. The cut can also determine the length and shape of sleeves, collars, hemlines, and other details. A skilled cutter can use their expertise to create garments that highlight the best features of a particular fabric, flatter the wearer's body shape, and convey a certain style or mood.
střih, účes
pokles, snížení
kousek, řez
What is a "cut"?
A cut refers to a portion of meat that has been separated or divided from the body of an animal. This term is commonly used to describe the various sections or portions of meat obtained from different parts of the animal's carcass. Cuts can vary widely in size, shape, and texture, depending on the specific area of the animal from which they are taken and the intended culinary use. Examples of cuts include steaks, chops, and ribs, each offering its own unique flavor, tenderness, and cooking characteristics.
řez, sektor
střih, záběr
What is a "cut"?
In filmmaking, a cut refers to the transition from one shot or scene to another in the editing process. It involves selecting and joining different pieces of film or video footage to create a continuous and coherent sequence. A cut can change the perspective, location, or time within the film, and is used to guide the audience through the story, emphasize particular moments, or improve the overall flow of the narrative.
výkop, čára
řez, část
řez, dotyk
ignorování, odmítnutí
absence, vykrojení
úder, střih
řez, rezaný úder
What is a "cut"?
A cut is a type of shot in sports like golf where the ball is hit in a way that makes it spin slightly and curve to the side, usually to the right for a right-handed player. This is done by striking the ball with a controlled swing that creates a specific spin, helping the player adjust the ball’s direction to avoid obstacles or aim for a better position. It requires skill and precision to execute effectively.
rozdělení, řez
What is a "cut"?
A cut is the act of dividing the deck into two parts before the cards are dealt. This is typically done by the player who is not dealing, often after the deck has been shuffled. The cut ensures fairness by preventing the dealer from knowing the order of the cards. After the deck is cut, the dealer typically reassembles the deck and deals the cards to the players.
výkop, kanál
úryvek, zkrácení
rání, ostrý komentář
kousek, skladba
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