Tìm kiếm
tạm thời
likely to quickly fade, deteriorate, change, or disappear over time
kém ổn định
(of a thought, idea, feeling, etc.) difficult to comprehend or hold onto
bỏ đi
(of a thing) traveling from one place to another or constantly in motion
người trốn chạy
a person who is actively avoiding capture or is being pursued by law enforcement authorities due to legal charges or criminal activity
Ví dụ
His memories of childhood were fugitive, slipping away like sand through his fingers.
The fugitive moments of happiness in her life were cherished dearly.
The fugitive shadows danced across the room as the candle flickered.
The fugitive beauty of the sunrise was gone in an instant, leaving only memories.
The fugitive nature of fame meant that one day you could be celebrated, and the next forgotten.