British pronunciation/flˈʌʃ/
American pronunciation/ˈfɫəʃ/

Định Nghĩa và Ý Nghĩa của "flush"

to flush

đỏ mặt, xuống sắc

to experience a reddening of the skin, typically in the face, due to emotions like embarrassment, excitement, or strong reactions
to flush definition and meaning
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When she received the unexpected compliment, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
His face flushed with excitement as he received the award.
Embarrassed by the attention, she could n't help but flush.

xả nước, xả

to press or pull something so that water would pass through a toilet to clean it
Transitive: to flush a toilet
to flush definition and meaning
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After using the restroom, he flushed the toilet to clear everything.
She pressed the handle to flush the toilet after cleaning it.
The plumber showed us how to flush the system to ensure proper drainage.

chảy, tràn ra

to flow or spread with force or in large amounts
Intransitive: to flush somewhere
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The crowd flushed into the stadium as the gates opened.
The river flushed over the banks after the heavy rainstorm.
The sudden wave of water flushed through the streets, flooding the area.

rửa, làm sạch

to rinse or clean something using a liquid to wash or clear it
Transitive: to flush sth
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The doctor flushed the wound with saline solution to clean it.
He flushed the sink to clear the debris from the drain.
After the storm, they flushed the streets to wash away the mud and dirt.

rửa, xả

to cause a liquid to flow through or wash out something
Transitive: to flush a waterway
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She flushed the pipes with water to clear out the blockage.
The nurse flushed the IV line to ensure it was clear before administering the medication.
The rainstorm flushed the gutters, clearing them of debris.

trên cùng, làm phẳng

to fill or smooth out a joint or gap so that it is level with the surrounding surface
Transitive: to flush a joint
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The contractor flushed the joints with mortar to make the wall smooth.
She flushed the edges of the tile with grout to ensure a seamless finish.
The carpenter flushed the wood joints to create a flat, even surface.

đỏ lên, sáng lên

to emit a warm color or light
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The city streets flushed with bright neon lights as night fell.
The horizon flushed with vibrant colors as the first light of dawn broke through.
Her cheeks flushed with a warm glow as she smiled.

xả, bồn cầu

the mechanism or act of removing waste and flushing it away with water from the toilet bowl through a pipe system
flush definition and meaning

What is a "flush"?

A flush refers to the mechanism or action that sends water from a tank or system through the toilet bowl to wash away its contents into the plumbing. Flush systems can vary, such as manual levers, buttons, or automatic sensors, but they all serve the purpose of maintaining cleanliness and hygiene by clearing waste effectively.


hồng hào, màu hồng

a rosy color (especially in the cheeks) taken as a sign of good health

thời kỳ thịnh vượng nhất, đỉnh cao

the period of greatest prosperity or productivity

đỏ mặt, flush

sudden reddening of the face (as from embarrassment or guilt or shame or modesty)

một luồng, một làn sóng

the swift release of a store of affective force

flush, màu

a poker hand consisting of five cards of the same suit, regardless of their rank

What is a "flush"?

A flush is a poker hand that consists of five cards of the same suit, but not in any particular order. For example, five hearts or five spades make a flush. It is ranked above a straight but below a full house in the standard poker hand rankings. If two players have a flush, the hand with the highest card wins. If the highest cards are the same, the next highest card is compared, and so on. A flush is a strong hand, but it is not as strong as a full house or four of a kind.


cơn bốc hỏa, sự ửng đỏ

sudden brief sensation of heat (associated with menopause and some mental disorders)

thẳng hàng, đồng mức

squarely or solidly

trên cùng một mặt phẳng, flush

in the same plane

bằng phẳng, đồng mức

of a surface exactly even with an adjoining one, forming the same plane

giàu có, thịnh vượng

possessing a great amount of riches
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After inheriting a large estate, she became quite flush and enjoyed a life of luxury.
The new tech startup quickly became flush with cash following a successful round of venture capital funding.
He was known for his flush lifestyle, regularly traveling in private jets and staying in five-star resorts.
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