تلاش کریں
to weave
بُننا, بُنائی کرنا
to create fabric or material by interlacing threads, yarn, or other strands in a pattern using a loom or by hand
Transitive: to weave a fabric or pattern
The artisan weaved a complex pattern into the rug.
The loom was set up to weave a batch of fine silk fabric.
The textile factory employs workers who expertly weave various fabrics.
بُنتنا, پیرنا
to create an intricate structure by intertwining strands or materials
Transitive: to weave an intricate structure
She weaved a beautiful tapestry to hang on the wall.
The craftsperson decided to weave a sturdy and stylish basket for storage.
She learned to weave traditional Navajo rugs from her grandmother.
بُننا, جھکانا
(of a horse) to rhythmically move the head back and forth in a stereotypical pattern, often as a behavioral response
The nervous horse began to weave in its stall, a sign of its unease before a big competition.
As the horse stood tied to the hitching rail, it began to weave in a rhythmic pattern.
The young foal, still adjusting to its surroundings, would occasionally weave while walking.
پہلو بچانا, ہٹنا
to continuously change directions while moving to avoid colliding with things or people that are in the way
Intransitive: to weave somewhere
As the crowded street became more congested, pedestrians had to weave around each other to move forward.
The quarterback had to weave through defenders to reach the end zone and score a touchdown.
The bus driver skillfully weaved through heavy traffic to stay on schedule and reach the next stop.
گھومنا, لپیٹنا
to cause continuous changes in direction while moving to avoid colliding with people or things
Transitive: to weave a way somewhere
The river weaves its way through the valley, carving a path through the landscape over millennia.
The stream weaves its way through the meadow, creating a serene and picturesque landscape.
The creek weaves a serpentine path through the lush meadow.
بُنائی, ڈھانچہ
pattern of weaving or structure of a fabric

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