to withdraw
menarik, menghapus
to remove something from a specific location or situation
Transitive: to withdraw sth from a place
The archaeologists carefully withdrew the artifacts from the excavation site for further analysis.
He carefully withdrew the painting from its frame to examine the signature on the back.
The company decided to withdraw its product from the market due to safety concerns.
mundur, menarik kembali
to pull back or move away from a position or situation, often in response to a threat or unfavorable conditions
Intransitive: to withdraw somewhere
The unit had to withdraw from their position after sustaining heavy casualties from enemy artillery fire.
Fearing an ambush, the reconnaissance team withdrew from the hostile area under cover of darkness.
The army was forced to withdraw from the battlefront due to heavy enemy resistance.
menarik diri, mundur
to remove oneself from involvement or membership in a particular activity, group, or organization
Intransitive: to withdraw from an activity or a group
Due to scheduling conflicts, she had to withdraw from the dance class she had signed up for.
She withdrew from the debate club because she found public speaking too intimidating.
He withdrew from the investment partnership when he realized it did n't align with his financial goals.
menarik kembali, mencabut
to retract or revoke a proposal or motion that has been formally presented for consideration
Transitive: to withdraw a proposal or motion
The city councilor withdrew his motion to allocate funds for the new park project due to budget constraints.
The senator withdrew her amendment to the legislation after realizing it would not garner enough votes to pass.
The committee member decided to withdraw their motion to amend the bylaws after further discussion.
menjauh, menarik diri
to remove oneself from social interaction or avoid contact with others
Feeling socially awkward, he withdrew from the conversation and focused on his phone instead.
As an introvert, she often needs to withdraw from social situations to recharge her energy.
Feeling overwhelmed by the crowd, she decided to withdraw to a quiet corner of the room where she could be alone.
menarik kembali, membatalkan
to take back or revoke something previously stated
Transitive: to withdraw a statement
Feeling embarrassed, she withdrew her earlier statement about her friend 's behavior.
Realizing his mistake, he quickly withdrew his criticism of his coworker during the meeting.
The politician was forced to withdraw his statement after it was revealed to be false.
menarik, memalingkan
to redirect one's gaze or attention away from something
Transitive: to withdraw one's gaze or attention from sth
She withdrew her eyes from the disturbing scene unfolding before her.
Feeling uncomfortable, he withdrew his eyes from the intense stare of his opponent.
She withdrew her attention from the noisy chatter and focused on her book.
menarik, mencairkan
to take money out of an account, fund, or financial institution
Transitive: to withdraw money
They withdrew funds from their investment portfolio to purchase a vacation home.
He withdrew $ 100 from his savings account to pay for the concert tickets.
The customer went to the bank to withdraw money for a down payment on a car.
The archaeologists carefully withdrew the artifacts from the excavation site for further analysis.
He carefully withdrew the painting from its frame to examine the signature on the back.
The company decided to withdraw its product from the market due to safety concerns.
The teacher instructed the students to withdraw their pencils from their desks and begin the exam.
After the storm passed, the city workers began to withdraw fallen branches from the road.

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