fuera, afuera
fuera, de
dado de baja, descalificado
fuera, prohibido
apagado, fuera
fuera de cuestión, imposible
externo, fuera
excluido, fuera de uso
exterior, externo
externo, saliente
noqueado, inconsciente
pasado de moda, fuera de estilo
fuera, sin poder
out, eliminación
What is an "out"?
An out in baseball or softball occurs when a player is removed from play, either by the opposing team catching a hit ball, tagging a runner, or striking out a batter. When a batter or runner is out, they are no longer part of the game until their next turn. Each team gets three outs per inning, and once three outs are made, the teams switch roles between batting and fielding. The goal for the fielding team is to get three outs as quickly as possible to end the other team's turn and get a chance to score.
revelar, descubrir
revelar, descubrir
salir del armario, declarar su homosexualidad
fuera-, ex-