durmak, kesmek
durmak, durdurmak
durmak, durdurmak
durmak, engellemek
son vermek
istasyon, durak
What is a "stop"?
A stop in public transportation refers to a designated location where passengers can get on or off a bus, train, or other transportation vehicle. Stops are usually marked with signs and may have shelters or benches for waiting. They are spread along a route at regular intervals, allowing passengers to travel between different areas. Stops can vary in size, from simple signs to larger stations with more facilities, and they play an essential role in making public transportation accessible to people.
durak, kayıt
What is a "stop"?
A stop is a control on an organ that alters the sound produced by the instrument. It works by enabling or disabling specific sets of pipes or ranks, which can change the instrument's timbre, pitch, and volume. Each stop corresponds to a different sound quality or tone color, allowing the organist to select and combine different sounds to create a desired effect. By pulling or pushing stops, the organist can modify the character of the music being played, adding variety and richness to the performance.
nokta, stop (kısaltma)
duraklama, mola
durdurma, sona erme
durağanlık, durak
durdurma, duraklama
durak, fren
tapa, engelleme
diafram, apertür
kesme sesi, patlayıcı ses