markeren, aantekenen
kenmerken, markeren
markeren, aanduiden
markeren, labelen
herdenken, markeren
markeren, opmerken
markeren, aanduiden
beoordelen, cijfer geven
markeren, aanduiden
markeren, tekenen
cijfer, note
kruispunt, kruisje
merk, teken
doelmark, aimpoint
spoor, stempel
merk, teken
merkteken, schandvlek
doelpunt, merk
merkteken, beschadiging
teken, merk
What is a "mark"?
A mark is a symbol used in writing or print that represents or records information. Marks can take various forms, including punctuation, letters, or specific symbols that convey meaning or indicate actions. For example, a check mark (✓) shows that something has been completed or verified, while an asterisk (*) often denotes a footnote or special note in a text. Marks help to organize information, clarify content, and enhance communication by providing visual cues that guide readers' understanding of the text.
markering, teken
doelwit, slachtoffer
What is a "mark"?
In rugby, a mark is a rule that allows a player to claim possession of the ball after it has been kicked by an opponent and caught cleanly, without the ball touching the ground or any other player. The player must catch the ball within their own half of the field. Once the mark is made, the player is awarded the opportunity to take a free kick without interference from opponents. This rule is used to reward players for good catches and to allow them time to organize the next play.
markering, afscherming
What is a "mark"?
A mark in frisbee refers to a defensive maneuver where a player closely guards the person holding the disc to prevent them from making easy throws. The defender positions themselves between the thrower and their target, aiming to block or limit the options for passing. The goal of the mark is to force the thrower into a difficult situation, making it harder for them to complete a successful pass. A good mark requires quick movement, anticipation, and the ability to stay close without committing a foul.