British pronunciation/skˈe‍ɪl/
American pronunciation/ˈskeɪɫ/

"scale"의 정의 및 의미



each of the thin hard plates that cover the surface of the body of a fish or reptile
scale definition and meaning

What is a "scale"?

A scale is a small, overlapping, bony, or keratinous structure covering many animals' bodies, such as fish, reptiles, and certain mammals. They provide a protective outer layer that serves various functions. In fish, scales help reduce friction in the water, aiding in streamlined movement and reducing energy expenditure. They also provide a barrier against physical injuries and pathogens. Reptiles, such as snakes and lizards, have scales that provide protection from external elements, regulate body temperature, and assist in locomotion by providing traction. Scales in mammals, like pangolins and armadillos, are made of keratin and form tough, armor-like coverings for defense against predators. The diversity of scales across different species reflects their adaptability and importance in the animal kingdom, playing essential roles in locomotion, protection, and environmental adaptation.



a device used to weigh people or objects
scale definition and meaning

What is a "scale"?

A scale is a device used to measure the weight of people, ingredients, or other objects. It typically consists of a flat surface or platform on which the item to be weighed is placed, and a digital or mechanical display that shows the weight in units such as pounds, kilograms, or ounces. Scales come in various types and sizes, including bathroom scales for weighing people, kitchen scales for measuring ingredients in cooking or baking, and industrial scales for weighing heavier objects or materials. They are valued for their accuracy and precision in providing measurements, making them essential tools for tasks such as monitoring weight, portioning ingredients, or packaging products.



an arrangement of a series of musical notes with specified intervals, in ascending or descending pitch order
scale definition and meaning

What is a "scale"?

A scale is a series of musical notes arranged in ascending or descending order by pitch. It typically follows a specific pattern of intervals, or distances between the notes, which helps to create a particular sound or mood. For example, a major scale follows a pattern of whole and half steps that gives it a bright, happy sound, while a minor scale has a different pattern that often sounds more somber. Scales are the foundation for melodies and harmonies in music.



the size, amount, or degree of one thing compared with another


a system of numerical values used to quantify and compare levels, degrees, or values


a principle of design that refers to the size of elements in a composition relative to one another or to the overall size of the composition itself

What is "scale"?

Scale refers to the size of elements in relation to each other and the overall space in design. It determines how large or small something appears compared to other parts of the design. Proper scale helps create a sense of balance, making sure that elements fit well together and the design looks visually appealing.



a specialized leaf or bract that protects a bud or catkin


an indicator having a graduated sequence of marks


a metal sheathing of uniform thickness (such as the shield attached to an artillery piece to protect the gunners)


a thin flake of dead epidermis shed from the surface of the skin
to scale

물수제비 뜨다

to ascend or overcome a height or obstacle, often using a ladder
to scale definition and meaning

물수제비 뜨다

to adjust or modify something according to a specific rate, standard, or size

물수제비 뜨다

to measure or determine the weight of an object using a scale or balance

물수제비 뜨다

to register or indicate a particular weight on a scale or balance

물수제비 뜨다

to take off or peel away scales, often from a fish or other similar surfaces

물수제비 뜨다

to climb and reach the summit or the peak of a height

물수제비 뜨다

to use ladders or similar means to gain access to and conquer a fortified structure
The scientist carefully examined the reptile's scales to identify its species.
The snake's scales allow it to move smoothly and efficiently across various terrains.
The fish's scales shimmered in the sunlight as it leaped out of the water.
The dragon in the fairy tale had iridescent scales that glistened like jewels.
The alligator's scales provide protection from predators and help regulate body temperature.
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