to perturb
perturbare, disturbare
to disturb or unsettle someone, causing them to feel worried or uneasy
Transitive: to perturb sb
The constant noise from the construction site perturbed the residents, disrupting their peace and quiet.
The strange behavior of her usually calm cat perturbed her, making her wonder if something was wrong.
The sudden change in his friend 's attitude perturbed him, leaving him feeling uneasy about their relationship.
perturbare, disturbare
to disturb or throw something into a state of confusion, anxiety, or disorder
Transitive: to perturb sb/sth
His rude comments perturbed the calm atmosphere of the gathering.
The new software update perturbed the function of the entire system.
Her conflicting statements perturbed the investigators, causing delays.
perturbare, deviare
to alter the movement or path of a body, typically by applying a gravitational force or external influence
Transitive: to perturb path or movement of a celestial body
The gravitational pull of the moon perturbs the orbits of nearby asteroids.
A passing comet 's gravitational field perturbed the asteroid's course.
The gravity of the nearby planet perturbed the satellite's orbit.
perturbare, modificare leggermente
to make a small change or modification to the motion of an object or particle
Transitive: to perturb motion of a particle
Small irregularities in the environment can perturb the path of a particle in motion.
A small force perturbed the object ’s motion, causing it to veer slightly off course.
A slight temperature change perturbed the speed of the moving molecules.

Parole Vicine