condurre, guidare
guidare, giocare
guidare, condurre
guidare, condurre
guidare, condurre
collegare, guidare
condurre (vita)
guinzaglio, corda
What is a "lead"?
In the context of theater, film, or television, the lead is the main role or the primary character in a production. This character is central to the story and typically has the most significant impact on the plot. The actor playing the lead often carries the most responsibility for driving the narrative and engaging the audience, and their performance is usually a key focus of the production.
leadership, direzione
vantaggio, lead
vantaggio, lead
indicazione, indizio
lead, introduzione
battuta, leading
la carta di apertura, la carta guida
cavo, filo
battuta, piombo
anticipo, anticipazione
notizia principale, apertura
indizio, segnale
vantaggio, correre avanti
mine, grafite
What is "lead"?
Lead refers to the core material found in pencils. Despite the name, it does not contain actual lead but is made of a mixture of graphite and clay. The term "lead" originates from early misconceptions, as the material was thought to be lead. Pencils with different levels of hardness or softness are made by adjusting the ratio of graphite to clay. Softer leads create darker marks, while harder leads make lighter, finer lines.