rohan, beugrani
üt, belépni
eldobni, hajítani
hozzáadni, keverni
elkeserít, megbánt
tönkretenni, megszakítani
kötőjel, vonás
What is a "dash"?
A dash (—) is a punctuation mark used to create a strong break or pause in a sentence. It can emphasize a point or introduce additional information, often in a more dramatic way than commas. For example, in the sentence "He was determined to win—no matter the cost," the dash highlights the importance of his determination. Dashes can also be used to set off explanations or examples, as in "She brought everything she needed—water, snacks, and a map." By providing a clear visual cue, dashes enhance the flow of writing and help clarify relationships between ideas.
gyors futás, sprint
elegancia, stílus
rohanás, sprint
vonás, hosszú jel
sprint, rövidtávú verseny
egy csepp, egy csipet