to tease
cicázni, piszkálni
to playfully annoy someone by making jokes or sarcastic remarks
Transitive: to tease sb
Siblings often tease each other as a form of playful banter.
Friends may tease one another with good-natured humor during social gatherings.
Couples may tease each other affectionately, adding a touch of humor to their relationship.
túltérni, dúsítani
to add height and texture to hair by gently combing it backward in small sections
Transitive: to tease hair
The stylist carefully teased each layer to achieve a fuller look.
He teased the roots to create a lifted effect at the crown.
She teased her hair to give it more volume for the party.
fésülni, kibogozni
to gently comb or brush tangled hair in order to make it smooth and separated
Transitive: to tease tangled strands of hair or fabric
She teased her damp hair with a wide-tooth comb for a smooth finish.
She teased the knots from her hair with a gentle brush.
She teased the strands gently, avoiding any painful pulling.
csipkelődni, tréfálkozni
mock or make fun of playfully
szálakat szétválasztani, kibomlani
separate the fibers of
fésülni, kardozni
to use a teasel to raise or lift the fibers of fabric
Transitive: to tease a fabric
The weaver teased the cloth using traditional methods to create a unique pattern.
The tailor teased the fabric with a teasel to raise the fibers before dyeing it.
She carefully teased the nap of the velvet with a teasel to enhance its feel.
szétroncsolni, megrongálni
to rip or shred something into small parts
Transitive: to tease sth
He teased the paper into small pieces before throwing it in the trash.
She teased the napkin in her hands, ripping it absentmindedly.
He teased the poster off the wall, causing it to rip in the process.
csipkelődni, flörtölni
to flirt or provoke someone in a suggestive way without intending to fulfill any romantic or physical interest
Transitive: to tease sb
She enjoyed teasing him with a playful smile before walking away.
She often teased him with lingering glances and subtle touches.
He would tease her with charming words but never followed through.
kínos kérdésekkel zaklatni, vicceskedni
to repeatedly bother or provoke someone with small, persistent demands or requests
Transitive: to tease sb
The child teased her parents with constant questions about the trip.
The students teased the teacher, constantly asking for an extension on the assignment.
He teased his friend by asking when he would finish the homework, again and again.
cicózó, húzós
someone given to teasing (as by mocking or stirring curiosity)
csipkelődés, kínzás
the act of harassing someone playfully or maliciously (especially by ridicule); provoking someone with persistent annoyances
csábító nő, kísértő
a seductive woman who uses her sex appeal to exploit men
Siblings often tease each other as a form of playful banter.
Friends may tease one another with good-natured humor during social gatherings.
Couples may tease each other affectionately, adding a touch of humor to their relationship.
Colleagues at the office like to tease each other to create a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.