to ferment
खमीर उठाना, किण्वित करना
to trigger a process where microorganisms break down sugars in a substance, often creating alcohol or acids
Transitive: to ferment a substance
The baker uses yeast to ferment the dough and make it rise.
The chef plans to ferment the cabbage to make kimchi.
The chef is fermenting the soybeans to make miso paste.
The grapes began to ferment in the warm sun, transforming into wine over time.
As the dough sat on the counter, it started to ferment, causing it to rise and develop a tangy flavor.
The compost pile slowly began to ferment, breaking down organic matter into nutrient-rich soil.
हलचल मचाना, उत्तेजित करना
to agitate individuals or groups and create trouble or unrest among them
Transitive: to ferment a negative reaction
The provocative speech by the politician fermented dissent among the crowd.
The inflammatory social media posts fermented tensions between rival factions.
The controversial decision by the school board fermented outrage among parents.
उपद्रव करना, बिगड़ना
to be in a state of disorder or unrest
In the wake of the controversial decision, unrest began to ferment within the community
As economic disparities widened, social discontent fermented.
Following the leaked scandal, distrust and suspicion fermented within the company.
फर्मेंट, उथल-पुथल
a state of agitation, excitement, or unrest, often associated with rapid change or transformation
The political scandal caused a ferment within the government, leading to calls for reform.
The discovery of a new technology sparked a ferment of innovation and competition among companies in the industry.
In the midst of social ferment, protests erupted across the country demanding justice and equality.
खमीर प्रक्रिया, खमीर
a process in which an agent causes an organic substance to break down into simpler substances; especially, the anaerobic breakdown of sugar into alcohol
प्रजनक, किण्वन एजेंट
a substance capable of bringing about fermentation

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