to depart
partir, quitter
to leave a location, particularly to go on a trip or journey
The train is scheduled to depart from the station at 3:00 PM.
After saying their goodbyes, the family was ready to depart on their vacation to Europe.
Passengers are kindly requested to be at the airport two hours before their flights are set to depart.
départ, quitter
to leave a place
Transitive: to depart a place
As the sun set, it was time for them to depart the small village.
It 's customary for guests to depart the wedding ceremony after the newlyweds make their exit.
The diplomat had to depart the embassy quickly due to security concerns in the area.
s'écarter, dévier
to deviate or move away from an accepted, prescribed, or usual course of action or behavior
Transitive: to depart from a course of action or behavior
The company decided to depart from traditional marketing strategies and explore innovative digital advertising techniques.
In order to stand out in the competition, the artist chose to depart from conventional art styles and experiment with abstract forms.
The team had to depart from the original schedule due to unexpected challenges.
quitter, départ
to resign or leave a position of employment
Transitive: to depart a position
After years of dedicated service, Susan decided to depart her role as the company's CFO.
Michael decided to depart his demanding corporate job and start his own consulting business.
The employee decided to depart her position due to a lack of career advancement opportunities within the organization.
s'écarter, divaguer
to deviate or stray from a planned, direct, or straight path
Transitive: to depart from a path or direction
Lost in thought, the hiker began to depart from the trail.
As the river twisted and turned, the canoe occasionally departed from the main current.
Caught up in conversation, the friends unintentionally departed from the planned route.

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