having never been owned, used, or handled by anyone else before
purchased not long ago
not previously experienced, done, or known
belonging to the present time or reflecting recent developments, trends, styles, or technology
recently discovered or found, often leading to significant developments or changes in understanding
(of a person) lacking training or experience in a particular field or activity
referring to someone who has recently entered a place or organization and is unfamiliar with surroundings or situation
recently assumed a role
(of a person) having gained fresh energy, courage, or health, often appearing revitalized or transformed
(of crops) gathered at an early phase of growth, before they fully mature, valued for their freshness and delicate texture
referring to the current or modern stage in the development of a living language
(of a time or period) starting again, often with the sense of change or difference
recently born
used to describe something that has recently occurred or been discovered, often leading to a change in status or condition