chytit, zachytit
chytit, ulovit
stihnout, chytit
chytit, nakažení
chytnout, stihnout
chytit, zjistit
pochopit, vnímat
chytat, pochytat
chytit, zadržet
chytit, zachytit
uchopit, rozšířit se
chytit, udeřit
okouzlit, uchvátit
pochopit, vnímat
chytit, sbírat
chytit, uchopit
zaznamenat, chytit
chytit, pocítit
chytit, vzplanout
překonat, dohnat
získat, chytit
chytit, zachytit
pochopit, zachytit
chytit, zaseknout
zastavit se, uvědomit si
chycení, úlovek
past, nevýhoda
zachycení, zatčení
chycení, zachycení
What is "catch"?
Catch is a simple game where one player throws a ball or other object to another player, who tries to catch it without letting it drop. The goal is to catch the object cleanly and then throw it back or pass it to someone else. The game can be played with two or more people and is commonly played outdoors, such as in parks or backyards. Catch helps improve hand-eye coordination and is often enjoyed casually for fun and exercise. It can also be played in a variety of ways, such as using different objects or adding specific rules.
zámek, zarážka
záchvat, zadrhávání
úlovek, chycení
dobrý pár, výborný ženich
úlovek, lov