to escape
逃脱, 逃避
to get away from captivity
Intransitive: to escape | to escape from a place or position of captivity
Every day, the prisoners plan how to escape from their cells.
The prisoners are escaping through a tunnel they've been digging.
She has escaped from captivity more than once in her adventurous life.
逃脱, 避开
to get out of or avoid an unpleasant situation
Transitive: to escape an unpleasant situation
Sarah managed to escape the traffic jam by taking a shortcut through the side streets.
John skillfully used his phone call as an excuse to escape an awkward conversation at the party.
Mark discreetly tried to escape the boring meeting.
被忽视, 被遗忘
to fail to be noticed or recalled; to go unnoticed or be overlooked
Transitive: to escape sb
Despite sending out numerous invitations, one guest 's name managed to escape the host.
In the thorough review process, a critical error in the financial report managed to escape the auditor.
The subtle alteration in her hairstyle almost escaped her friends.
安全阀, 逸压阀
a safety device, such as a valve, in a container where pressure can accumulate, which opens automatically to release pressure when it reaches a dangerous level
The escape valve on the steam boiler prevented a potentially hazardous explosion.
Engineers regularly inspected the escape valves to ensure they were functioning properly.
The technician explained how the escape valve works to release excess pressure.
泄漏, 逸出
the release or discharge of a fluid, such as gas or liquid, from a container, often unintentionally
The escape of gas from the broken pipe posed a serious safety hazard.
The escape of coolant from the reactor required an immediate shutdown for repairs.
Engineers worked to stop the escape of oil from the damaged tank.
逃亡, 逃脱
the action of getting away from a place, danger, etc.
The prisoners planned their escape for months before finally breaking out of jail.
Her quick thinking during the fire ensured their escape from the burning building.
The dramatic escape from the sinking ship was captured on camera.
逃避, 避难
the act of avoiding or withdrawing from unpleasant realities by engaging in enjoyable activities or indulging in imaginative scenarios
Reading novels offered her an escape from the stresses of daily life.
He found his escape in video games, where he could forget about his worries.
The vacation was a perfect escape from the routine and pressures of work.
逃避, 规避
the act of avoiding or evading an unpleasant task or obligation through deceit or trickery
His excuse for being sick was an escape from attending the tedious meeting.
She used a clever escape to get out of doing her chores for the day.
The student 's elaborate story was an escape from having to complete his homework.
逃避, 逃脱
an avoidance of danger or difficulty
逃生通道, 逃避方式
a method, route, or means by which one can get away from a place, situation, or danger
The emergency exit provided an escape during the fire.
They discovered a hidden passage that served as their escape from the enemy.
The burglar planned his escape through the back door.
逃逸植株, 逸生植物
a plant that was once grown in gardens or farms but is now growing on its own in the wild
The dandelion, now seen as a common escape, originally grew in gardens.
Lavender, once cultivated, has become an escape in the nearby fields.
Many escapes, like mint, spread from gardens and grow wild.
泄漏, 漏出
issue or leak, as from a small opening
逃脱技, 解脱动作
a maneuver used by a wrestler to break free from their opponent's hold or pinning attempt
What is an "escape"?
An escape in wrestling is a technique used to break free from an opponent's hold or control, typically when the wrestler is on the bottom position, such as when pinned or trapped on the mat. The goal of an escape is to return to a neutral position, allowing the wrestler to avoid being pinned and gain the opportunity to score points or initiate their own offensive moves. Escapes require quick movement, proper positioning, and sometimes a combination of strength and technique to create an opening for freedom from the opponent's control.
Despite being under immense pressure, she executed a flawless escape maneuver.
His opponent 's grip was tight, but he found a way to execute an escape.
The wrestler 's quick thinking led to a successful escape.