utéct, uniknout
uteč, vymanit se
to fail to be noticed or recalled; to go unnoticed or be overlooked
úniková ventila, safety valve
únik, únik kapaliny
útěk, únik
únik, útěk
útěk, únik
únik, vyvázání
útěk, východ
a plant that was once grown in gardens or farms but is now growing on its own in the wild
únik, vypuštění
a maneuver used by a wrestler to break free from their opponent's hold or pinning attempt
What is an "escape"?
An escape in wrestling is a technique used to break free from an opponent's hold or control, typically when the wrestler is on the bottom position, such as when pinned or trapped on the mat. The goal of an escape is to return to a neutral position, allowing the wrestler to avoid being pinned and gain the opportunity to score points or initiate their own offensive moves. Escapes require quick movement, proper positioning, and sometimes a combination of strength and technique to create an opening for freedom from the opponent's control.