позначити, таґувати
позначити, ідентифікувати
торкнутися, позначити
позначити, прикрашати
слідкувати за, переслідувати
позначити, тегнути
доторкнутися до бігуна, позначити бігуна
позначити, доторкнутися
позначити, зачепити
гра в хованки, забава під назвою "піжмурки"
What is "tag"?
Tag is a simple and active game where one player is chosen to be "it" and must chase the other players to try to touch or "tag" them. Once a player is tagged, they become "it" and must try to tag someone else. The game continues as players run and try to avoid being tagged by "it." There are many variations of tag, with some involving safe zones where players can avoid being tagged for a short time. Tag is commonly played outdoors and helps children develop physical fitness, speed, and social skills.
етикетка, цінник
тег, заміна
What is a "tag"?
In professional wrestling, a tag refers to a situation in a team match where one wrestler physically touches their partner to switch places, allowing the fresh partner to enter the match and continue fighting. This is often done to give each wrestler a break while the other team member takes over. Tag matches usually involve teams of two or more wrestlers, with the rules allowing wrestlers to tag in and out as long as the tag is clear and legal. The goal is to outlast the opposing team, using strategy and teamwork to gain an advantage.
етикетка, ярлик
етикетка, мітка
тег, захоплення
What is a "tag"?
A tag in baseball or softball happens when a defensive player touches a runner with the ball or the glove holding the ball in an attempt to get them out. This can occur when the runner is not on a base or when the defensive player is trying to stop the runner from reaching a base. If the runner is tagged before reaching the base, they are out. A tag is a common way for fielders to end a play and is important for preventing the other team from scoring or advancing.