geri dönmek
geri vermek
eski haline dönmek
geri dönmek
karşılık vermek
dönüş yapmak
teslim etmek
geri ödemek
rapor vermek
yeniden seçmek
mukabelede bulunmak, yansıtmak
eve dönüş
vergi beyanı
geri dönüş
geri kazanma
geri dönüş
kazanç, kar
cevap, eleştirel yanıt
tekrar olma
teniste alan oyuncusunun takım oyuncularına gönderdiği atış
başlama vuruşu, degaj
karşılıklı grup eylemi
yeniden ortaya çıkma
enter tuşu
geri gönderilen kitaplar
What is a "return"?
A return refers to unsold copies of books that are sent back to the publisher or distributor by booksellers. This usually occurs when booksellers need to clear shelf space or when books do not sell as anticipated. Returns are a common practice in the book industry and allow booksellers to recover some of their costs. The returned books may be reprocessed, discounted, or handled according to the publisher's return policy.
What is a "return"?
A return is an extension of a component that changes direction to meet another surface or create a smooth, finished look. It is often used in elements like walls, stairs, or moldings, where the structure turns to form a corner or complete the design. This feature helps to ensure a clean and seamless transition between different parts of a building or space.
gidiş dönüş, gidiş-dönüş bileti