to invest
to buy houses, shares, lands, etc. with the hope of gaining a profit
Intransitive: to invest in an asset
Investors often invest in real estate to diversify their portfolios.
She regularly invests in stocks to build long-term wealth.
Last year, they invested in a startup that later became highly successful.
to give or grant someone or something a specific quality, feature, or characteristic
Transitive: to invest sb/sth with a quality
Her kindness and generosity invested the team with a sense of unity.
The teacher 's encouragement invested the students with confidence in their abilities.
The art director 's vision invested the film with a unique and captivating atmosphere.
to grant or assign authority, control, or power to someone or something
Transitive: to invest sb with a power or responsibility | to invest a power or responsibility in sb
All executive powers were invested in the Secretary of State to ensure smooth governance.
All decision-making authority was invested in the project manager for the duration of the construction.
The king invested his trusted advisor with full control over the kingdom ’s finances.
to formally grant someone a rank, title, or office
Transitive: to invest sb | to invest sb as holder of an office
He was invested as the CEO of the company after the board's unanimous decision.
The board invested her as the executive director, granting her full oversight of the organization.
She was formally invested as the new head of the department at the annual meeting.