to clash
衝突する, 対立する
to be different from each other, resulting in incompatibility or disagreement
Intransitive: to clash | to clash with sth
Their personalities clash, as they have opposing views on almost every topic.
His values clashed with the company's culture, leading to tension in the workplace.
Can you please explain why your actions clash with our team's objectives?
シンバルを打ち鳴らす, シンバルを叩き合わせる
to hit cymbals together, creating a loud, harsh noise
Transitive: to clash cymbals
The musician clashed the cymbals dramatically during the climax of the performance.
The percussionist clashed the cymbals in perfect time with the marching band.
During the parade, they clashed the cymbals to energize the crowd.
衝突する, 対立する
to strongly and publicly argue or disagree with someone
Intransitive: to clash | to clash with sb
The two politicians clashed during the debate over healthcare policies.
They clashed over how to divide the responsibilities for the project.
The manager clashed with his employees about the new company rules.
喧嘩する(けんかする), 対立する(たいりつする)
(of colors, patterns, or styles) to not look attractive together
Intransitive: to clash | to clash with a color or pattern
The bright green shirt clashed with her orange skirt.
His striped tie clashed with the polka-dotted suit.
The bold wallpaper clashed with the patterned carpet in the room.
重なる, 衝突する
to occur at the same time as something else, causing conflict or inconvenience
Intransitive: to clash | to clash with sth
I ca n't attend both the wedding and the business conference because they clash on the same weekend.
I had to reschedule my doctor 's appointment because it clashed with my daughter's school play.
The concert clashes with the football game, causing fans to decide which to attend.
衝突音(しょうとつおん), 干渉音(かんしょうおん)
a loud and sharp noise that is made many times when two hard objects hit each other
The clash of swords echoed through the battlefield.
There was a loud clash when the metal poles collided.
A sudden clash of thunder interrupted the silence.
衝突 (しょうとつ), 対立 (たいりつ)
a serious argument between two sides caused by their different views and beliefs
The clash between the two political parties escalated into a heated debate over healthcare reform.
The cultural festival was disrupted by a clash of opinions on how the event should be organized.
The courtroom was tense as the lawyers engaged in a clash over the interpretation of the evidence.
衝突(しょうとつ), 激突(げきとつ)
a violent confrontation or battle between opposing military forces
The clash between the two armies lasted for hours, with neither side gaining a decisive advantage.
The historical clash between rival kingdoms changed the course of the region's history.
The generals strategized to minimize casualties in the upcoming clash with the enemy.
色の衝突, 色の対立
a state of conflict between colors