to yield
cedere a
to stop fighting something or someone
After hours of intense debate, the opposition party decided to yield and support the proposed legislation.
Despite their initial resistance, the rebels eventually yielded and surrendered to the government troops.
The army 's defenses were weakened, and they had no choice but to yield to the advancing enemy forces.
fruttare, produrre
(of a farm or an industry) to grow or produce a crop or product
Transitive: to yield a crop or product
The apple orchard typically yields a bountiful harvest each year.
Despite the harsh weather conditions, the vineyard continued to yield high-quality grapes for wine production.
The fertile soil in this region yields abundant crops of wheat and corn.
to give or provide a result, often as a reaction to something that happened
Transitive: to yield a result
The negotiations between the two countries finally yielded a peace agreement.
The study yielded significant findings that could advance medical research.
His efforts to improve the project finally yielded positive feedback from the team.
cedere, relinquere
to give up or hand over control, often a territory or authority, to someone else
Transitive: to yield a territory or authority
The defeated army had to yield control of the territory to the victorious forces.
While tensions were escalating, one side was yielding territory to avoid further conflict.
During the conflict, one side had to yield control of key resources to the opposing force.
cedere, flettersi
to bend, break, or collapse under force or stress
The bridge began to yield under the weight of the heavy trucks.
The metal frame started to yield when the pressure increased.
The old building ’s walls began to yield as the earthquake shook the foundation.
cedere, rilasciare
to formally give up one's time or turn to speak, allowing another person to address the assembly or audience
Intransitive: to yield to another speaker
The speaker politely yielded to the opposition leader to respond to the question.
She yielded to the chairperson, signaling the end of her remarks.
In a show of unity, the representative yielded to his opponent to share their perspective.
cedere, lasciare il passo
to allow another vehicle or pedestrian to go before you by giving them priority
Transitive: to yield a right of way
The driver yielded his place to the emergency vehicle rushing by.
I yielded my right of way to the other car at the roundabout.
The driver yielded his lane to the oncoming car.
cedere, arrendersi
to stop resisting and allow oneself to be persuaded, influenced, or moved by an appeal, argument, or force
Intransitive: to yield to a demand or request
She refused to yield to his demands, standing firm in her decision.
The stubborn child eventually yielded to his mother ’s gentle persuasion.
The manager yielded to the team's request for a more flexible schedule.
cedere a, sottomettersi a
to willingly give oneself up to a person, power, or situation, often indicating submission or surrender
Transitive: to yield oneself to sth
After years of resistance, he yielded himself to the discipline of a strict routine.
She yielded herself to the moment, embracing the chaos around her.
The monk yielded himself to a life of simplicity and prayer.
generare, produrre
to generate or provide a return or profit from an investment
Transitive: to yield a profit
The investment in stocks yielded a significant profit after just a few months.
The project yielded a great return on investment, far exceeding expectations.
The savings account yielded a small but steady interest over time.
cedere, dare la precedenza
to give way or surrender to another vehicle or person, typically while driving
Intransitive: to yield to another vehicle or person
Drivers must yield to pedestrians at crosswalks to ensure their safety.
The car yielded to the ambulance, allowing it to pass quickly through the heavy traffic.
The cyclist yielded to the car approaching from behind and moved to the side of the road.
the total amount of something that is produced, as in agriculture or an industry
The annual yield of the wheat fields surpassed expectations, resulting in a plentiful harvest.
The company 's financial report showed a significant increase in yield, indicating successful productivity and growth.
The oil refinery 's production reached a record-breaking yield, meeting the high demand in the market.
resa, prodotto
an amount of a product
an amount of profit gained from an investment or business
The bond offered a competitive yield, attracting many investors looking for stable returns.
The company 's new product line contributed to a significant increase in its overall yield for the quarter.
The financial advisor recommended diversifying the investment portfolio to maximize yield and minimize risk.
resa, produzione
the quantity of something (as a commodity) that is created (usually within a given period of time)