traverser, passer par
passer, transmettre
transmettre, contaminer
céder, transférer
transmettre, passer
passer, occuper
passer, s'écouler
passer, se transmettre
réussir, passer
passer, décéder
passer, faire une passe à
faire passer, adopter
transmettre, passer
passer, se passer
passer, être accepté
passer, transiter
dépasser, surpasser
uriner, évacuer
être adopté, passer
refuser, décliner
passer, ne pas répondre
formuler, émettre
passer, laisser passer
dépasser, passer devant
pass, permis
passe, transfert
passage, but
autorisation, permis
passe, passer
What is a "pass"?
A pass in football is when the quarterback throws the ball to a teammate, usually a receiver, in an attempt to move the ball forward. The goal of the pass is to cover distance quickly, allowing the team to get closer to the opponent’s end zone and score. The player receiving the pass must catch the ball while trying to avoid being tackled by defenders. A pass is a key part of the game and is used to create opportunities for the team to gain yards and set up a potential score.
passage, survol
pass, autorisation
col, passage
essai, tentative
réussite, validation
What is a "pass"?
A pass is a grade given when a student successfully meets the minimum requirements or standards for a test or assignment. It indicates that the student has demonstrated enough understanding or skill to fulfill the expectations of the task. A passing grade shows that the student has met the basic level of performance needed to move forward or complete the course or exam.
permis, autorisation
forfait, qualification automatique
pass, billet gratuit
passage difficile, moment difficile
passage, cycle
passage difficile, mauvaise passe