to sashay
περπατώ με έπαρση, κινώ με επιδεικτικότητα
to walk in a manner that is both showy and casual, often with exaggerated movements to draw attention
Intransitive: to sashay | to sashay somewhere
She sashayed into the room, confidently flaunting her fashionable attire.
The model sashayed down the runway, showcasing the designer's latest collection with style and flair..
With a playful smile, he sashayed across the dance floor, enjoying the attention from onlookers.
συρόμαι (syromai), κινούμαι πλαγίως (kinoumai plagios)
to glide or move with a sideways motion
Intransitive: to sashay to a direction
The cat sashayed along the narrow ledge, displaying its agility and balance.
To avoid the puddle, she sashayed to the side, skillfully navigating through the wet pavement.
The figure skater sashayed across the ice, executing graceful sidelong movements with each glide.
σάσιος (sálios), χασέ (chassé)
to perform a chassé step in ballet, which involves a gliding movement where one foot moves to the side, followed by the other foot joining it in a sliding motion
Intransitive: to sashay to a direction
During the dance recital, the ballerina skillfully sashayed across the stage, executing flawless chassé steps.
The dance instructor demonstrated how to sashay gracefully.
In the ballet routine, the dancers synchronized their movements to sashay across the floor.
σασέ (sashé), σέγγρος (séggros)
(ballet) quick gliding steps with one foot always leading
a square dance figure; partners circle each other taking sideways steps
σαλάτα, περίπατος
a journey taken for pleasure