to stand off
[phrase form: stand]
zadržet, odpudit
to prevent a potential attacker from approaching by taking on a defensive posture
The security guards were trained to stand off any intruders with a strong and assertive presence.
The hikers were instructed on how to stand off any aggressive wildlife encounters by making themselves appear larger.
The homeowner decided to stand the trespasser off by firmly asserting their right to privacy.
držet si odstup, stát opodál
to remain at a certain distance away from something or someone
As a safety precaution, spectators were instructed to stand off from the racetrack during the car race.
Participants in the parade were reminded to stand off from the moving vehicles to prevent accidents.
The security guard asked the crowd to stand off the premises.
přerušit pracovní poměr, dočasně propustit zaměstnance
to let go of a worker, whether temporarily or permanently, due to a lack of available work
Due to a sudden decline in orders, the factory had to stand off several workers until production picked up again.
The company faced financial challenges, leading them to stand off a portion of their workforce as a cost-cutting measure.
In the offseason, the construction industry often stands off workers until new projects begin.
vzdálit se od pobřeží, odstavit loď od pobřeží
to move one's watercraft away from the sea coast
As the storm approached, the captain decided to stand off from the coast to ensure the safety of the ship and its crew.
The sailors chose to stand off from the rocky coastline to avoid potential hazards hidden beneath the surface.
During the regatta, skilled sailors know when to stand off from the shore to catch favorable winds for better performance.

Blízká Slova